Forty | Part 1

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Olivia's POV

"This is beautiful." I say happily as we walk down the Las Vegas strip.

Spencer is a little behind me with Franklin. They've been talking a lot. I know they're just catching up on missed time. But seeing Spencer have support here, makes me wish I had that too.

"Oh my God!" I shout as I see a beautiful wedding dress in the window of a store. "Lets just walk faster before I want that dress."

"You should try it on." Franklin says and I frown.

"The thing about it is, I can't charge my daddy's credit card without him knowing what Spencer and I did in Vegas. So we are only using the money we have. And that's not enough for this dress, I'm sure." I explain to him as I stare at the dress a little while longer.

"Listen, I got this little card that is ready to be used." He flashes a black card in my face and I look at Spencer.

"Look, you don't have to do that. I know your job with Uber can't be making you much." Spencer insist.

He sighs. "You're right, nephew. But remember I told you I was going to always tell you the truth? Well, since she's your wife-to-be, I'm going to tell you both the truth."

I tense up because I don't know what they discussed and I'm not sure if I want to know.

"Franklin, I know you've been honest with me, but Liv doesn't need to know too much about your past." Spencer says and I agree.

"Well, at least accept the dress as a wedding gift from your new Uncle?" He ask sincerely and I smile.

"Of course!" I hug him happily and Spencer shakes his hand before I run into the wedding shop.

I get the most beautiful dress with the shoes and vail to match.

"You happy, baby?" Spencer ask as we watch Franklin pay for everything.

I take a deep breath before nodding. "Yes."

And Spencer looks me in my eyes before kissing my cheek.

"Are y'all hungry?" He ask as Franklin finishes up.

We leave the store to go eat. During dinner, I get a text message from Jayda. It's a generic message and I'm disappointed she's not going to be here for the ceremony.

"Excuse me." I say before leaving the table.

I know they're both wondering what's going on with me, but I can't help but to think I'm doing this all wrong.

Truth is, my mom and friends should be here. My dad should walk me down the aisle and Jordan should be around to dance with me at my reception.

I thought I was ready, but this just doesn't feel right. It's too late now though. Because I'm here and I can't let Spencer down.

"You okay baby?" Spencer scares me when he walks up.

"Yes." I say untruthfully and I can tell he doesn't believe me.

"You having second thoughts?" He ask.

"I just thought it would be different, you know?" I ask and he nods.

"You know I want you to be Mrs. James, but we can go home today and I won't be upset. Because I know one day, you'll be my wife." He tells me and I smile.

"Nope! We're going to do this tomorrow. Just like we planned. You, me, and Franklin." I say and he smiles uncontrollably.

"Lets do it." He says, before we make our way back to the table, assuming Franklin would be there. But he's not.

"Where'd he go?" I ask before noticing his hat still at the table.

"I don't know, but I'll go find him." He tells me as he walks out of the door.

I sit down and finish my meal before those two come walking back inside.

"That took a while!" I say and Spencer looks sad.

"My Uncle might've caught a bug. His stomach hurts. We should go back to the hotel." He says and I look at the both of them strangely.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I just need to get some rest." He says in a sickly voice, before Spencer cuts his eye at me.

"You know what?" He ask. "Why don't you two go to the hotel and I'll go get him some Ginger Ale and crackers. Some soup too."

"Yeah, that'll be great. Thanks nephew." He says and we walk to a cab before climbing inside."

We pull off and Spencer just waves.

Everything seems odd, but I don't want to think too heavily into things. My nerves are already a wreck. Why add more?

"Maybe you had some bad sushi." I say as we ride to the hotel.

"Probably, sweetheart." He says before texting on his phone.

He doesn't seem interested in a conversation, which is odd because this would be the perfect time for us to get to know one another.

I sigh loudly, hoping to get his attention.

"So..." I start to say, but he gets a phone call.

"No, that's too late. I need that done tonight." He says to the person on the other end of the phone and hangs up.

"Ugh..." He holds his stomach and looks at me. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just bummed you're not feeling good. I really wanted you to enjoy yourself." I say as I ignore the weird vibe I'm getting.

"I will. I just need to rest." He says as we pull up to our hotel.

"Okay!" I mumble. "But earlier you were saying something about your past. And I know Spencer stopped you, but I want to know."

Since everything has seemed to go left, I'm curious to know who he is as a person.

"You want me to start from the beginning?" He says and laughs.

"I'm serious." I tell him as we get to his hotel room.

"Alright, then! Have a seat! This could take a while." He tells me before sitting on the chair by the computer desk.

I sit down on the bed to listen.

I feel like I'm in a movie. He goes on and on for hours and it doesn't even feel like it.

"So the Government pumped drugs into the black neighborhoods to fund their wars?" I ask in disbelief. "Wow!"

"It's two sides to America, sweetheart!" He says, before we hear the door open and see Spencer walking in with a bag full of Ginger Ale and crackers.

"I've been everywhere looking for soup." He says and I don't believe a word he's saying.

" He says and I don't believe a word he's saying

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