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She sat there patiently, waiting for the man she met thirty minutes ago.

Was he really her mate? If he was then why would a richest werewolf on the earth would claim to be their mate ?

And why on the earth even he would accept that she is his mate ? He should have rejected her the moment he felt that a low class werewolf who did not even have money to get a proper dress for a small interview was his mate.
Her wolf moaned in pain at her thoughts.

Also she was completely under the debt of her landlords and now she did not know that why was she sitting there .
She needed to go to her next job .

She decided and then felt how excited her wolf was , she made the connection through Luci's mind and felt his presence .

She looked up and saw him standing in the door way . His face had furious expressions .

"What had she done wrong now ?"

She thought .

And felt his wolf growling .

She felt scared and looked down .
It was really overwhelming to feel other wolf in the same room.


Seymour was very furious along his wolf. He was standing there after thirty minutes and looking through her mate's mind he only saw the suffering , her life was just struggle from the first day . Though he only saw chunks of her memories , they were still enough for him . Apolo was so furious that he just wanted to rip each and everyone from their throat whoever caused their mate problems .

But it was not the time to be furious
their mate was already scared and he needed to calm her down.

He sat infront of her and consoled her ,

"I m sorry for all the stuggles and sufferings you have faced . But right now i need you to listen to me very carefully ."

He spoke to her making her a little comfortable .

She reluctantly noded.

"Good "

"First of all we can start from names ,
My name is Seymour Ronaldo Williams , for you it is seymour
I m a werewolf but i m also a king of all werewolfs , ofcourse you have not heard about me because you have never been to Fae Realm before , soon my love i will tell you everything about it and will even show you .
Now it is your turn ."

"Umm my name is Evangeline Julia Drake, i am 24 years old , i live in New York , i have graduated in Buisness."
He noticed that she spoke very smoothly , she had an angelic voice .

"Hot"His wolf smirked while he coughed at his vulgar thoughts of his wolf on how he was going to take his name rolling his tongue on ...
He blocked him out .

"I know i should have not looked into your mind , but my love you and your wolf are so naive that you both don't know even how to shield yourself ."

"Also you have to understand how long i have been living without you .
It has been three hundered and ninety years since i have been born and living without you .
My mate and my family are going insane trying to find someone who could be my mate but despite of how much they tried , they simply could not .
I had almost lost all the hope but Apolo , my wolf never gave up , he knew somewhere you were there .
And today finally we found you , so do't you even dare , and i mean don't you dare to reject me .
I have only found you and you are trying to avoid me , which would not be very easy my love ."

He said very mischieviously .

"Also i have noticed you are scared of me ,you don't have to be scared of me
Me and my wolf would never ever lay a hand on you . You are so precious and special for us , yess werewolves have to control themselves from harming people and they are very territorial but that is not for their mates ."

"They love and cherish their mates so much . You are my other half and it is very painful to see you scared from me , now i understand why my father is so possesive for my mother always , just please do not ever be scared from me EVER ."

She noded at him .
He laughed a little at the memory when he saw him punching his beta , when he lost control and could not stop himself from changing .


She was very overwhelmed that they both wanted to cry so much . It was so not normal that she had gotten a very precious , amazing and sweet man as a mate .

She felt her wolf crying with the emotions overpowering her senses .
She could not even believe that this man out of the whole world , who was a king of werewolves was her mate, her other half .

She felt her every wound heeling , her each and every pain subsiding , her tears flowing .

She did not know her parents or who they were . Two days ago she cried herself to sleep thinking about the consequences of not paying this month's bills and the debt increasing day by day . And now she had a person she could finally call hers.

The feeling of having a mate was carrying a sense of ultimate relief , and the cherry on top was that he did not rejected her , he accepted her , and he was going to take her to a place where none of these problems were going to be there.

She was relieved as well as paranoid , that what would his parents think about her , she was a rogue , would they kill her , she once lived in a pack and they treated her very badly so she ran away from there .

What would this new pack would do to her .

Seymour took her hand in his and she noticed the sparks and tingles when he held her hand .

She noticed that his grip was tighter than last time.

May be it was because she had never been touched before , or he was angry at something .

He took her out of the office building and they entered in a garage . It was a vast room and had alot of fancy cars , she had never seen them before in her life .

"You are picking ."

Semour spoke .

"Who ? Me ?"

She pointed at herself .

"Yes you are picking our new ride ."

"Umm i don't know very much about cars ."

She felt nervous.

"Come on.."

He urged her .

She reluctantly put her hand on a black car.

He smirked .

It was a black Chevrolet she chose.
Her choice was same as his . He loved black rides too.

"Come on love lets ride to the nearest portal to Fae Realm ."

He said holding her hands .

It was time to show his pack his other half , there Luna , most awaited Luna , the Queen of Werewolves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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