Love Drunk

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About an hour before the soiree, Sam and I started to get ready. I called my mom to let her know I was hanging with Sam, but she didn't seem to care. I doubt she even noticed I was gone. Annoyed, I left my phone turned off on Sam's desk. We dug through her closet for the sexiest outfits that would make us look like.. princesses. After almost an hour of deciding, Sam ended up wearing black skinny jeans with a silver glimmer and a silver crop top that had a red pair of shiny lips on them. On her feet, she wore red Jimmy Choo wedges. I did her hair into a hot, beach curl look. To top it off, she had the whole smokey eye look for her makeup and bright red lipstick. I gotta say, she looked really good.

As for myself, I wore a bright pink pencil skirt and a black flowy tank top that showed off my belly button piercing. I wore some Gucci stilletos and had my hair in a curly do. My makeup was the "Natrual Look" with nude lip color and nude eye makeup. A hint of eyeliner, and I was good to go. Sam and I checked ourselves a few times in the mirror before getting ready to leave. Sameira got her chauffer to drive us over in the limo, to give a more dramatic entrance. Sameira was going to get Andre, and I was here to make sure of it.

When we finally reached Andre's house, you could see the party-ness of it. We had to instruct the chauffer to stop a certain way for more dramatic entrance. Once we got out, almost all heads turned. I could feel myself gain more power. Tonight, I'm going to try to forget about everything. I told myself. I scanned the room for Andre, but by then he'd already been with Sam. They didn't even need me. Smirking, I walked straight towards the drinks. As I decided between the beverages, I felt a hand touch the small of my back. Whipping my head around to see who it was, I saw a handsome young man. He was around my age- maybe older, black, but light-skinned. The most interesting part about him, I thought, were his eyes. They were a mesmerizing shade of green. It seemed as they could just carry me away.

"Hey, I couldn't seem to help but notice how beautiful you look tonight." the guy said. As he smiled, dimples came out.. I took a long sip to keep myself from freaking.

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." That was an understatement. The boy looked FINE. He chuckled, glancing down at his feet for a second, then looking back up into my eyes.

"I'm Hakim. I'm a friend of Andre's." he tells me.

"And I'm Paris. I go to school with Andre."

"Pleasure to be aquainted." he joked in a British accent

"As to you." I joked back.

We laughed as I choked down more of the drink and poured more into my cup.

Hakim and I started to get closer as the hours passed by. At one point, we decided to sneak away from the party and go outside, to the backyard. I poured some more of the drink and ran outside with Hakim. A big fountain stood there, splashing water around. My throat was burning and my body felt tight. I needed something to relieve me, and this drink on it's own was not helping. I went to go pour some more when Hakim stopped me. "Are you seriously gonna keep drinking that much?" he asked, concerned. "Yeah, it's just juice, chill." "Paris, that's alcohol. Andre poured alcohol in all these drinks." I looked into my cup, surprised that I didn't realize this a while ago.

"Well.. then it's not doing the job." I answered back and marched over to the table and drank so much that my vision started to blur and I was losing all sense. No more thoughts. No more worries. Just for tonight.

I ran over to Hakim at the fountain and hugged him tightly, feeling his abs. My eyes spotted the fountain, and I decided not to hold back. Ripping my clothes off, I jumped into the fountain in my underwear and bra. "Shit!" Hakim muttered and ran over somewhere. A crowd began to gather and guys pulled out their cell phones to take pictures and videos. Let them have their fun, I thought.

I splashed around in the fountain as I swallowed down more of the drinks. I got up and started dancing around the pole in the center and climbing it. I noticed Hakim returned with a confused Andre.

"Come in." I invited Hakim. He shook his head in rejection. I started to climb out of the fountain and walk my way over to him. Hakim didn't move from his place. Quickly, I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my lips to his. I heard the whoo-ing of an audience behind me, and then a voice spitting out the word "slut." It wasn't the comment that bothered me, it was the voice. Drunk or not, I knew who it was. I walked over to the bitch Briana and slapped her across the face so hard that he contacts slipped out. "Fake ass cunt." I spat, trying not to sound as drunk as I am. Everything was one big blurr. All I remember afterwards is more splashing, more drinking, and more guys.

The next morning, I woke in Andre's backyard with some guy on my stomach. I got him off my body and walked over to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I saw giant knots in my hair, lipstick smeared all over my face. My eye makeup smeared and my hair in knots. As I untangled my hair, I noticed some hickies on my neck. I decided this whole fix-up job isn't going to work right here, so I planned to go get Sameira so we could leave. As I was about to leave the bathroom, my stomach caught me. I ran to the toilet and began puking my ass off. It was disgusting. I rinsed my mouth of the taste and went off my find my clothes. I couldn't remember all that happened yet, especially not why I wasn't wearing my clothes anymore.

Once I'd found them, I slipped them on and went off to find Sam. She wasn't anywhere in the first two floors, and I was about to give up when I remembered that she spent the whole party with Andre, so I walked up to find him room. When I finally found it, I swung the door open, only to find the both of them in bed. Naked. Luckily, they had the blankets covering most of them. "Uh, Sam, we gotta go." I hinted. "Oh, ok." she replied, half upset. I waited downstairs as she got her clothes back on and bid her boy goodbye. I didn't bother looking for Hakim out of embarressment. I was just happy that we left.

Once we got to Sameira's house, we each took a bathroom and took a nice, long hot shower. She gave me clothes to borrow, and we spent the afternoon in comfortable clothing discussing the night and watching chick-flicks and comedies.

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