Broken Heart fixed by the Prince(ton)

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I squinted my eyes as we got closer to the bright light. Finally, the car stopped. Jacob unbuckled his seatbelt and looked to me, waiting for something. I didn't budge.

"Are you gonna get out?" he questioned.

"Huh?" was my clever reply.

Jacob shook his head and got out the car, closing the door behind himself.

"No, wait-!" I was about to scream, when he appeared on my side of the car, opening the door for me.

My body felt tired and slow. Jacob had to lend me a hand so I would get out of the car.

"What is this place?" I barely whispered.

"It's this cool 70's type diner. Not many people come here, so I thought i'd bring you here so we can just talk."

He glanced at me, but I didn't reply. I didn't even look at him.

"O-or would you rather go home and explain all of this to your mom, dad, and sister?"

I snickered.

Jacob opened the door for me, and I walked in, sensing his body close behind me as I walked.

The diner was actually kind of pretty. Everything seemed to be silver and sparkley blue. The counters, tables, seats, everything. The walls were this grey-ish silver with music notes painted across. There was a mirror ball hanging from the ceiling, spinning slowly and calmly, as if nothing in this planet could be  a bother to it. I just wanted to take something and smash it. As I was eyeing the mirror ball, Jacob lead me to a booth to sit in, and he sat across from me. I picked up a menu and read it. There was a lot of good stuff that I hadn't had in years(like hamburgers, or fries), but my stomach couldn't handle much right now.

"So what will you order?" 

I looked up to see a young waitress, about Destiny's age, dressed just like a waitress from the 70's would dress.

"Paris?" Jacob looked to me to answer first.

"Uh, I will just have the strawberry smoothie. But, how many sugars does that contain?"

The waitress raised an eyebrow at me. I sucked in my bottom lips as I waited for her reply, but Jacob put his hand on mine. I turned to look at him, and he shook his head 'no.'

"Uh, nevermind. I'll just take the smoothie."

"Okay.. and what about you, cutie?" she said to Jacob.

I rolled my eyes.

Jacob just smiled and answered, "I'll take the mango smoothie and medium fries, please?"

"No problem." she said smiling at him.

Jacob couldn't help but grin and watch as she walked away. I just eyed him the whole time, but he didn't notice until the waitress was out of sight.

"What?" he asked me, innocently.

I rolled my eyes again. "If this is what you do at a 70's old diner, what would you do at Hooter's?"

Jacob laughed and looked down.

"We're not here to talk about me," his attention was back on me, "Why did you call me over to the Fallin's house."

I glanced away for a second, and then looked back at Jacob. "Like I said, it was rainy and I was wearing my Jimmy Choos-"

"Paris, PLEASE! Most people don't start sobbing their eyes out because of their Jimmy Choos."

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