Sykunno I

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"While we're here, why don't I teach you the basics of the Cartel." Sykunno said as the two walked through the large Garden to get to Sykunno's office. "I'd imagine you don't know much about how it works. Most outsiders don't."

Corpse nodded. "Go on."

"The cartel has five rungs on the ladder." Sykunno explained. "The lowest are the Fans. They're the basic cartel unit, the guys who mostly push people around. They intimidate, they threaten, and are usually only trusted with minor jobs. They're  the expendable workforce."

"The rank above them, is the Enforcers." Sykunno said. "Enforcers are the elite workforce. They range from being elite versions of grunts, to undercover agents, to specialists. They're the guards and the hit-men, and the go-to guys whenever something serious happens. You're an Enforcer by the way."

"Then there's the Overseers." Sykunno continued. "Overseers are people like me. We oversee the Enforcers, and direct missions and such, although the major decisions and issues go straight to their Capo. We're basically just the Capos Capo's if you will."

"Then we get to the Capos. There's only four of them, five if you count the Janitor. Each Capo leads a division. Capo Toast, well, you've already met him. Capo Toast oversees the territorial expansion division, which is basically all the muscle work. Capo Lily oversees the Public Image and Public Relations division. She keeps all of our connections happy, and tends not to murk about with Grumps and Enforcers too much. Capo Poki oversees the Intelligence gathering and Reconnaissance division. All of the undercover agents and spies report to her. Capo Micheal oversees the Technological Innovation and Research division. He tends to work alone in his garage, but he has a support staff. Finally, the Janitor is the last person in this rank in the cartel. Her name's Yvonne, and although she technically isn't a Capo, she basically is one. She's in charge of cleaning up shop, earning her the name of the Janitor. Of course, she doesn't do it herself, her underlings does it, but she's the head of the unofficial clean-up division. She's also the only one who has the balls to talk back to the Don, something that impressed Don Scarra so much that he doesn't even punish her for it. Don't bother any of them unless you have to, usually your message will go through a handler."

"Finally, the Don. Don Scarra is the boss of the entire Cartel. His word is law. Any who dare oppose him, are annihilated. Only capos and Brodin, his consigliere talks to him directly. Everyone else has to contact him through Brodin."

Corpse and Sykunno arrived at Sykunno's office. " a lot of information to process." Corpse said.

"The cartel is a sophisticated organization." Sykunno nodded, sitting down in his chair. "Anyways, I've brought you here to give your first assignment." 

Sykunno picked up a folder with several papers inside. "This is your first task assigned to you by Capo Toast. I'll be there to supervise. This job is simple."

"What is it?" Corpse asked.

"Pest Control." Corpse spun around to see Toast leaning on a wall in Sykunno's office. 

"Excuse me?" Corpse asked.

"We've got a couple of rats that need to be silenced." Toast explained. "You probably have enough experience with that, huh?  Independent contractors like you don't get a lot of variety."

"You speaking from experience?" Corpse muttered.

"Hah!" Toast laughed. "Wouldn't you like to know. Anyway, Sykunno has the details. He'll babysit you. Y'know, make sure you don't fall asleep on the job. Come back when you're done and we'll talk about what's next for you."

Corpse examined the papers as Toast left the room. "Interesting how I get a mission on my first day here." 

"We trust who deserve to be trusted." Sykunno shrugged. "You're an old friend of Toast, huh? No wonder why he rushed you in."

"Still...not very cautious of them." Corpse said.

"Oh we're cautious. What do you think we've been doing while you were making up your mind to join, stand around twiddling our thumbs? We've been keeping tabs on you for a while, Corpse. Anyway, Capo Micheal said he's got some new stuff for us to test out in the field! Come on Corpse!" Sykunno said.

"Test?" Corpse asked. "He's using us as guinea pigs?"

Sykunno scratched his back. "Uhhhh...he's probably already tested them to be safe. Probably."

" he didn't?" Corpse asked.

"Best not to worry about that, for now!" Sykunno said cheerfully. "Let's visit Micheal!"

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