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Name: Hajime Sugoroku

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Hajime Sugoroku

Hajime is stern, irritable, ill-tempered, uptight and intimidating in nature. He takes his duties very seriously and is immensely dedicated to his job; he is said to have reached his current levels of strength through pure hard work and commitment, which has gained significant admiration and notoriety from his subordinates. He claims that he is willing to do anything for the sake of his job, including maiming and killing others if necessary; this mindset allows him to attempt to do so with no signs of remorse or empathy, often selfish and complains if he is forced to do extra work. He is noted to be a workaholic and becomes irrationally bored when forced to take even short amounts of time off.

When training to be a guard in Nanba Prison, Hajime passed his exams with full marks. He has allegedly made no mistakes in his work performance and gained a reputation as a diligent, talented officer by the time he was a deputy supervisor. Many of his subordinates admired and aspired to be like him. At some point, Enki Gokuu allegedly murdered an inmate and Hajime stepped up to apprehend him as his supervisor was unable to. Fighting him until he turned himself in, Hajime was promoted to supervisor in acknowledgment of his courage and strength.



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Jyugo is a confident, impulsive young man who gets bored very easily. He is noted on multiple occasions to have no talents other than jailbreaking and is said to be effectively useless at everything else; having never had so much as a basic education, he is unable to read, write, count or swim and has poor stamina and physical abilities. His friends' constant belittling of him due to his lack of talent appears to have taken an impact on his self-esteem. In spite of his many flaws, his cellmates hold him in high regard as he is a compassionate person who understands others; it has been stated by all three of his cellmates that Jyugo has, at some point, done something for them that ultimately changed his life for the better, indicating his selflessness. Jyugo, however, seems to remember little of these events and fails to understand why he means so much to his friends.

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