Ask For Hitch 1

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@bookfreak0815 Asked Hitch, how is your friendship with Bradley/LB?

I was probably closer to Bradley than LB in the beginning. I started out looking up to him, and he thought of me as a little brother. He was always letting me tag along, and partnering up with me in all the training exercises, even though I was 6 years younger than him. It was pretty nice, to have the best of use, better than some agents, hanging out with me, the youngest, but it all came crashing down after the crocdile 'accident' whenever Bradley discovered LB. 

To start out with, I was jealous of LB because Bradley suddenly forgot about me, and was just hanging around her; the fact that she tried to get him to include me but Bradley just waved it off saying he would talk to me later made me even more unhappy. Eventually, we bonded over the fact that we had to keep Bradley from getting himself killed with how reckless he was, which trained me perfectly for dealing with another certain child that has a death wish, and became pretty good friends. After Bradley's plane crash, we both relied on the other one a lot, since her fiance and the person who was like my older brother died. 

Also asked And how do you think of her now/how did you think of her when you started to watch over her?

When I started watching over her, I thought that she was reckless, irresponsible, a blabber mouth, that she had no regards for the rules, that she had no business knowing about Spectrum, and that she was going to be exactly like Bradley was as a child. It turns out, I was right about all these things, though she has improved about being so reckless amd irresponsible the slightest bit after a few near a death encounters, but she was also a lot more to go before anyone's willing to let her go out on her own. When starting out, I thought she would be lucky if she could crack the code; now I know that she will need saving at the end, but that she's very capable of doing everything we need. She has the makings of being an extremely good agent, better than Bradley, if she could just learn to control her mouth.

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