Ask for Ruby 1

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Asked by @bookfreak0815 Redfort, is there an agent ( or agents) you look up to? If yes who and why? 

(I did a small spoiler for BAYD in this.)

Ruby: I enjoy working with a lot of agents, but admire, not really. 

Hitch: Kid, what have I told you about lying? Especially to reporters.

Ruby sighing deeply: Not to. Fine, I do admire a few agents. 

I guess its impossible for someone not to admire LB. She survived having to kill her fiance, and then comforted me after he really did. She was the first woman in Spectrum, and she didn't let that stop her from rising to the top.

I also admire Hitch I guess. I mean, he can put up with me, and not be too tempted to kill me. He's a pretty good agent too. 

It's still vaugly annoying how everyone still goes on and on about Bradley, though now that I've met him, I have to say that he's a good guy. He's a good code breaker, and an even better field agent. Even without most of his memories, he was still a really good agent. That's all the people now.

Hitch very skeptical: You sure that's all kid. 

Ruby: You never give a kis a break do you? Fine, though off point, since I DON'T admire him, and I would like to point out that he's still a potato head, after the last coding stunt he did, I guess I kind of like Miles better. I wouldn't go as far as admire, but he is slightly more tolerable.

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