Senpai x Reader - Catching Feelings

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Edit: I fixed up some grammar and spelling issues. As well as some small part changes.

Suggested by

To give some context, if you're not aware of these types of reads, the reader will be referred to as Y/N.

Some words to remember: E/C (eye color) and F/S (favorite sweets).

Also, I'm changing Senpai's game slightly, so it's more of an interactive dating sim rather than just being a rap battle. Hopefully, you will enjoy this read since it gave me quite a lot of problems, though that's to be excepted. I haven't written one of these so long ^^"

Hopefully, YUMEBOUND will also like this since I tried to make it as close to your suggestion possible. :3

Anyways, thanks for reading in advance!


The apartment felt so still during the evening, sunlight covering halls and rooms with an orange and red glow. The only sound in the small apartment was that of the summer breeze blowing in through open windows. Tonight is going to be a good night, you thought, with no roommates and no responsibilities to worry about for the rest of this, far too long day.

With a happy sigh, taking another glance at the newly found game. Leaving you filled with a sort of wondering and curiosity only a true gamer- just kidding, but you're still pretty excited to play, at least. Now being able to satisfy your itch for something new, the few video games you had couldn't fulfill your gaming needs anymore. Then, again, that's to be expected when you find yourself with a lot of time on your hands. Either that or just not wanting to go outside in general. It's not like you have anything to do out there anyways...

Though you still found the circumstances of obtaining the game a bit weird and probably sketchy now thinking back.


An hour before:

Checking out of work after an exhausting day is probably one of the better luxuries you have, especially when you have the rest of the weekend off as well. The idea of a good day of relaxation after a week of straight shifts makes you long even more for the comfort of your bed.

Walking down the bustling city evening streets, the many bright neon lights and colorful advertisements always leaving you in awe. A place to make a name for yourself, most people say, a place of opportunity. You had one of these dreams, too, the main reason you found yourself here years ago. However, you never could put yourself out there, the idea of failure keeping you from showing your potential. Now, as the years have gone by, you've given up on that dream. Just so you can have a much quieter life outside the city... And yet, you didn't have enough money to move out of the town as you wanted.

Then again, it's alright to dream sometimes. Somewhere less crowded would be nice, a place you can call your own little paradise. Until then, The lively streets will have to do.

Now, almost at your apartment building, the frankly tiring walk almost over as a good night's sleep was just in your grasp. Until... Something catches your eye. A glimmering object just poked out of a small box off to the side of the road.

The streets are empty and quiet; you take a closer look, taking a step forward just to take a peek. Upon closer inspection, it seemed to be a game cartridge you're not familiar with. The title of it reads: "Hating Simulator Ft. Moawling." It seemed more like one of those dating games than anything from the colorful design and the cute-looking text on the cover. Maybe there's a reason why it was abandoned?

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