stuff funeral

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Connor Burns else's body he then hides the garlic and the steak he used he runs into the field and gets really happy he starts to pray to Satan thanking Satan for letting him finally kill Elsa.  8 Days Later.  The Town finds Elsa's remains one of the vampires use their powers to see who did it they see everything that happened they go to the mansion so they can kill Connor and get vengeance.  They get their Connor fights a few of them off he's killed at least 40 vampires but then they finally get him they take him back to the hex room where he cannot move or use his powers he is trapped here they will kill him in a few minutes in front of his family Elsa's mom is devastated she was so proud of Elsa just for that to be ripped away without any trace or any feeling or any thought it was all just ripped away from her like she has never owned it at.  At all a few days have passed and they've killed Connor they can finally start focusing on else's funeral all of the laws that Elsa made are always going to exist now in her memory she has forever changed the world and the way that vampires live.  What she has done has took a lot of bravery and courage they have the funeral and everybody is sad nobody can understand why Connor would kill his sister but now Elsa's mom is left alone slowly dying and that's the end Elsa goes down in history.  Her mom finally dies she died a very peaceful death Elsa with the most amazing vampire in the entire world and everyone will forever remember her just remember if you have enough bravery and courage as Elsa did you can do anything you put your mind to.  Goodbye everyone and thank you for reading my story have a nice vampire e day

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