Chapter 18 - Tangled

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Chapter 18 - Tangled

"Call me a doctor, to bring me back to life." - I Need A Doctor

"I don't think I'll be able to live without you."

That one statement swirled around in my mind, taunting me whenever I surfaced up to consciousness. I was struggling to stay awake for long periods of time, though I had yet to open my eyes. My mind was muddled, going in circles. Occasionally I was aware of a warm palm in the area that I think was my hand, but I couldn't be sure if it was an illusion.

Being left alone with your tangled thoughts and complete darkness isn't something that's very nice to experience. I'm getting sick of the aching emptiness and nothingness, and I want to see again, to know whats going on around me.

But not today, I'm too tired.

Maybe tomorrow.


I'm conscious again, but my eyes weren't open. I tried to, struggling to pry open my heavy eyelids but I'm tired again, too weak to try. I lie there with my eyes closed, just listening to the sterile sounds around me.

A steady, constant beeping on my right, a whirr of a fan somewhere above me, the slow, steady breathing of a person on my left. Slowly my mind tries to process who would be the person sleeping next to my bed. Louis? But he didn't love me anymore, he had his superstar life to occupy him. Ms Major? I doubted it. I abandoned the thought after my head started to pound a little, my heart starting to ache with pain.

"I don't think I'll be able to live without you."

A string of music was playing in the back of my mind, a steady tune that was so familiar to me, although I couldn't figure out why. Maybe tomorrow I would wake up and ask someone. Maybe.

I'm about to slip into unconsciousness when I feel that warm touch in my hand area again. The warm touch tightens a little, and the breathing I heard quickens, becoming a little more unsteady.

"Scarlett?" the voice is hoarse with fatigue, but really really familiar. I try to identify the voice to a face, but it's hard. If only they would just say who they were...

"Scarlett? Babe, it's me, Louis."


It was Louis.

It was him the whole time.

The realization of who the voice belonged to shocked me enough to send jolts of energy through my body. A desperate, primal desire to see Lou's eyes again surged through my brain, forcing my eyes open.

I gasped for once in a long long time. My throat felt raw and rough. My eyes burned a little with the bright light from the overhead, and my eyelashes were sticky with gunk. I tried to move my head a little to my left, to see Louis, to see his eyes...

"Scarlett?!" a pair of green-blue eyes met mine, longing and tiredness and sorrow in them. I tried to smile, but my mouth felt weird, disconnected.

When his eyes met mine he jerked backwards in shock, but his hand squeezed mine harder. Tears glistened in his eyes, and shakily he reached out to touch my face lightly, soft as a feather.

"Scarlett." he repeated, shock in his voice, "You-you're awake."

I opened my mouth to reply but before I could Louis had leaned forward, crushing his lips to mine.

The kiss was heated and desperate and full of sadness and relief and joy. I felt his hands hold my face gently, like I would shatter any moment. He pulled away after a moment, and I was glad, because if he had gone any longer I might have passed out from the giddy happiness I was experiencing.

When I looked up to smile at him I saw tears streaming down his cheeks, and he didn't do anything to hide them. He gingerly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me upwards into a sitting position, towards his chest. He held me, his mouth against my hair.

"I'm so sorry Scarlett. I am so so so sorry." he said, repeating it over and over, rocking me backwards as forwards. There was so much sorrow in his voice, so much raw pain.

What did he have to be sorry for? It was all my fault wasn't it? I was just so unlovable that it was impossible for him to keep being a perfect boyfriend. But the memories I had were jumbled and tangled into a big mess, occasional pieces sticking out.

I let him hold me, lying my suddenly heavy head on his chest, and after a while I closed my eyes, eyelids too heavy to keep open.

"I love you Scarlett Briggs, and I am so incredibly sorry. I don't think I could live without you."

Oh, so it was him, I thought before finally dropping into oblivion once more.

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