Chapter 12 : Let Me Love You

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Chapter 12 : Let Me Love You

"I'm not perfect, but I swear I'm perfect for you baby." - Endlessly [ The Cab ]

We're strolling along the pavement, on our slow way to Nandos. I breathe in the cold night air, and exhale happily. The stars were shining bright overhead, despite the bright London lights polluting the night sky. We had been walking in companionable silence for the past 2 blocks, just enjoying each others company.

"Scarlett?" says Louis tentatively.

"Mm?" I say back, admiring the moon shining above.

"Why don't you ever get in a car?" he asks. My head immediately snaps to look at him sharply.

"I mean you don't have to answer that if you're uncomfortable with the subject," he amends quickly, his face nervous.

I sigh and close my eyes. Should I tell him my deepest, darkest secret? Did I trust him enough to? Was I willing to relive what was probably the worst moments of my life? I breathe in deeply and decide that yes, I do trust this boy with all my heart and that I was ready to tell him everything.

I open my eyes, and look towards Lou, ready to tell him everything. The ugly pictures were already swirling around in my head, a thought away from exploding.

"Okay Lou, a year a-"

Just then, a car sped past. Fast, unnaturally fast, illegally fast. I gasp and the pictures in my head explode, pouring out like a waterfall and consuming me, my thoughts, my voice, everything,

I feel my knees buckling, and a startled voice shouting my name in the background.






"You alright driving dear?" asks a warm voice sleepily from the passenger seat.

I look over at my mom, snuggled deep in the chair, her arms clasped around her for warmth. She really was aging gracefully, her hair still honey blond and pulled back into a neat bun. Her eyes were kind and bright, always showing her fun and loving side in them.

"I'm fine," I say back, smiling at her.

"You sure, Scary Beary?" asks a sarcastic voice from the backseat.

"Shut it Carter." I say to my younger brother who was alone in the back, and grumpy from the long drive back to home. It was already dark outside, the stars popping out and shining brightly.

We were returning from a visit to my grandmother's place over the weekend, and I had been nominated the "pleasure" of being the driver. My dad was waiting at home for us, unable to join us due to an important work project. He had been calling us hourly to make sure we were alright and to check our progress.

I pulled up at a junction, looking both sides into the dark roads. Not seeing anything or any lights approaching, I drove ahead, my foot gently nudging the gas pedal.

We were halfway through the junction when I spotted a flash of bright, white lights quickly approaching us from the corner of my eye. It definitely hadn't been there when I checked 30 seconds ago.

"Uh mom?" I said, but that was all I could say before a massive force slammed into the left side of our car, knocking us sideways. My body was thrown into the car window. I smacked my head hard against the glass and I snapped back only to slam into the steering wheel. Our car was knocked into again, sending us fishtailing into a bush. I was bracing myself against the steering wheel, trying to stay myself.

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