The Journey

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The train charged into the station with a deafening screech. Our mother was pinning on our location tickets, which told the train employees where we were to get off. I was bundled up in clothes as mother did not wish for me to get cold. Everyone else was also bundled in coats and jackets, we were set.

"Look after yourself dear, I'm sure your brothers will do the same. And please, for my sake, get along with Susan. I know it's not your fault about her certain opinions but try to have fun." She smiled sympathetically. Susan and I have a difficult relationship. It is quite obvious that she does not like me. You see, when everyone found out I had a heart defect they started babying me, which I did not like at all, and paying more attention to me. She felt it was unfair and therefore treated me horribly, well not horribly, she's not purposefully rude to me or anything she just, doesn't like me.

Mother had said her final goodbyes to all of us and we made our way to the ticket master. Mother had entrusted Peter with the tickets, not so wise move. As the ticket master asked to see our tickets Peter was distracted, looking at the passing soldiers. Susan ripped the tickets out of Peters hand and gave them to the ticket master. We got a lot of glares, good one Pete.

We made our way onto the train and found a window looking out to all the mothers and fathers saying goodbye to their children. I spotted mother making her way through the crowd to get a better view. As we waved goodbye a tear fell. I did not wish to leave her, but I was already on the train, I had no other choice.

We found a compartment with two children already seated. Peter helped put all of our bags onto the racks above and we all took a seat. Susan and Lucy sat close together on the same seat as the other children that were previously in the compartment. I sat close to Peter on the other seat while Edmund sat near the window, looking out at all the scenery.

As I kept worrying about mother, my heart kept speeding up to the point where I was exhausted. Peter sensed this and gestured for me to come sit beside him. I layed my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me. And as the train bounced up and down along the track, I was lulled to sleep.

I woke to Peter nudging me gently and telling me that we had arrived at our stop. I had noticed that the two children were gone, they must have already gotten off. I carried my suitcase down the trains steps and up onto the platform where we were supposed to be retrieved at.

We waited for an extremely long time until finally, we heard a moter car coming. We ran to the car but it just passed us. "The professor knew we were coming" Susan stated. "Perhaps we've been incorrectly labeled" Edmund said sarcastically. I just nudged him, sometimes he took things a little to far.

Suddenly we heard the click of horse hooves and the dragging of wagon wheels. A horse and wagon pulled up, and Peter asked confusingly "Mrs McCredy?" There was a young boy, about a year older then Edmund and I. "Do I look like a Mrs?" He chuckled. "Sorry, we were just told a Mrs McCready would be retrieving us." "It's all right, I came here just like you, I've been here for about a year now. I'm Henry" he smiled and held his hand out to help us up into the wagon. Lucy went first followed by Susan, Edmund and Peter. "Looks like there's not enough room at the back, your going to have to sit up here with me" he smiled and helped me up to the seat next to him. "I'm Lily" I held my hand out for him to shake. "Nice to meet you Lily!"

As the wagon was pulled up the hill Henry was telling us all about the house and the professor and his journey. We approached a hill and as we went over it the house came into view. It was like a castle, truely beautiful. Being here might not be so bad at all!

A/N I wanted to add in another boy, I was thinking Henry could be a love interest 😏. Let me know what you think!

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