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Hi guys, I'm really sorry it's been taking a long time to update! But don't worry I am currently working on the next chapter of the story and it's going to be a long one! I will probably post two chapters at a time, both of them being quite long. And I'll try to post two chapters a week. I am also coming up with ideas for a sequel! And I will sometimes update more than two times a week don't you worry! Again my sincerest apologies I've just been going through some stuff but that's no excuse not to give you updates on the story! I'm hoping to have this book finished in the next month possibly even less. If I'm having a good time you guys will probably get the final book before Christmas this year. So keep an eye out for the next few chapters! The sequel will be published very soon! And the voyage of the dawn treader book will be posted definitely before the end of this year and I've already got ideas for the finale!
Now just a couple of questions to help me with the rest of the plot:
Do you want Lily and Henry to get together in this book or in the sequel?

So the third and final book will be based in the time of voyage of the dawn treader, but I don't want to end there! If there was one or two more chapters based in the time of the last battle, a time skip, would you read them?

Also are there any specific things you want to see in the rest of the stories because I'm up to any ideas!

Love you guys and thank you so much for 1K views I really do appreciate it!

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