Part 5

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Ron dropped the sword on the wet forest floor, turned on his heel and began to walk away.

"What. You're just going to leave again? That's just so typical of you Ron, running when things get tough. That's the reason this happened in the first place," Harry growled.

Ron stopped and stood stock still for a moment. Hermione made to step forward but Harry pulled her behind him, shaking his head.

"You're blaming me. You're blaming me for the fact that you shagged the girl I have loved since I was 11. Tell you what mate, let's settle this right here right now man to man" Ron turned and threw his wand across the gap between them to Harry's feet.

Harry picked it up and handed his wand along with Ron's to Hermione.

"Harry no. What are you doing?" Hermione whispered furiously.

"He needs this, and I need it too" Harry whispered back. He hoped in a masochistic way that letting Ron beat on him might help relieve some of his guilt. "Please don't get in the way Hermione, he'll never forgive himself if he hurts you"

"I'm going back to the tent, I'm not watching this" Hermione's voice clearly conveyed how barbaric she thought their behavior was. She dropped their wands on the floor and began to walk back to the camp.

"Come on then" Harry goaded Ron.

Ron growled as he threw himself across the space between them. He landed a bone breaking punch on Harry's nose, causing Harry's glasses to fall off and break as Harry grabbed his nose.

Blood began to pour from Harry's nose, running between his fingers as Ron shook off the pain in his knuckles.

"How could you do it Harry?" He screeched as he landed another punch on Harry's face.

"You knew how I felt about her. You knew" the beating continued until Harry lost his temper and punched Ron in the stomach.

Ron fell back as Harry spat blood. "How could you walk out on her?" Harry yelled back. "How could you walk out on me? We're supposed to be best friends. For all you know we died in the last seven weeks. Did you even care?"

"OF COURSE I CARED!" Ron's voice could've woken up the whole forest.

"Look, Ron. We didn't mean for it to happen. And I certainly didn't mean to get Hermione pregnant. We have a war to win and leads to follow, are you with us or are you leaving?" Harry asked with an air of finality.

"Of course I'm staying, you Pratt. It's my war as much as it is yours. But I'm not ever going to forget this Harry. Once this is over... I don't know if I ever want to see you or her again" Ron stormed off in the direction that Hermione had gone in before the brawling began.

Harry followed him, after fixing his glasses with his wand, picking up the sword, broken locket, Ron's wand and his clothes that he had still not had the chance to put on.

Harry went ahead as they got nearer the camp, he knew where the tent was and Ron didn't making it more difficult for him to continue storming forward in front of Harry.

Once they got inside, Harry put his clothes back on and wrapped a blanket around his shoulders; he still hadn't quite warmed up from the lake, even with the shouting and fighting.

"Ron, you should wear some dry clothes, I still have some in my bag" Hermione murmured.

"Don't talk to me," he hissed at her. "I'll take the first watch, you can tell me what I need to know tomorrow" Ron stormed outside and sat by the fire.

"Your nose is broken Harry. And your lip is cut. Come here" She whipped her wand out of her sleeve and cast episkey at his nose after he sat in front of her.

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