Part 14

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Harry and Luna ran back to the Room of Requirement as quickly as they could considering they were stuck under the cloak.

Luna snuck out and hid in the corner so that Harry could walk in front of the grey wall and get the door open.

They entered as soon as it opened and Harry pulled off the cloak, within seconds he felt a slap around his face so hard that his glasses came off.

He quickly summoned them back and put them on, facing a very angry Ginny, "you just wait until this bloody fight is over" she growled at him.

"Err, we had to explain the bump mate.." Ron quickly told him.

"Fine, I deserved that and if I manage to live through this then apologies and explanations and all other forms of communication surrounding the baby will be had but right now I have the information I need and I need everyone out of this room," Harry practically shouted.

"What's going on?" Hermione asked.

"I know where it is, I've seen it, the damn thing was right in front of me when I was hiding Snape's potions book last year, it's in this room, I need everyone out so that the room will change."

Just as Harry was about to lose it with the staring faces in front of him they were deafened by the sound of Professor's Snape's voice coming over an invisible speaker, "All students to report to the Great Hall immediately."

"That can't be good, last time Snape called an assembly this late at night, Ginny, Luna and I had tried to steal the Gryffindor Sword from his office, he made the whole school watch as the Carrow's beat us," Neville informed everyone.

"Right fine, go. The order and anyone who is not supposed to be here as far as Snape is concerned can help me look for the Diadem," Harry told them.

The students all donned their black, dirty school cloaks over their dirty, ripped school uniforms and after the all clear from Neville at the door began filing out of the room one by one.

The Order began to follow and take up positions in dark corners surrounding the entrance to the Room of Requirement.

Kinglsey Shacklebolt suggested disillusionment charms and the order agreed, hiding in the shadows, ready to protect Harry, Ron and Hermione at all costs.

Ginny was arguing with Mrs. Weasley profusely as the elder witch try to usher her towards the exit to the Hogs Head, "I am staying right here mum, and there's nothing you can say to make me change my mind!"

"You are underage and I am your mother, you will do as you are told Ginevra Molly Weasley. I will not have you here when this fight starts!" Mrs. Weasley responded, staring down her daughter.

"Ginny needs to go to the Great Hall with everyone else, Snape will notice if she's missing. My bet is he will have his eye on everyone that was in the DA constantly," Hermione spoke up.

"No one is asking you, don't even think you can have input into my life after the betrayal you have chosen to make!" Ginny screamed at Hermione.

"Oh for Merlin's sake, Hermione is right. Whether either of you like it Ginny has to go to the Great Hall," Ron interrupted, looking to his father for help as his mother and his sister stared daggers at him.

Mr. Weasley's urgent pleading look at his wife made her give in and send Ginny, still protesting out of the room. Draco and Luna were the only ones without a purpose.

"Luna, I need you to go back to the Hog's Head and tell Aberforth what's happening, as soon as we find the diadem we will turn the room back to this and you can come back," Harry informed Luna.

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