Part 13

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There was a flurry of movement in the small kitchen of Shell Cottage as everyone reacted to Harry's announcement.

Everyone began to mobilize. Everyone except for Mrs. Weasley.

She stared daggers at Hermione, accusing her without saying a word, until Ron went over and grabbed his mothers shoulders and gave her a good hard shake, "Mum, snap put of it, we have to go. All your questions will be answered if we actually live through this!"

Mrs. Weasley moved but continued to look at Hermione no matter where she was. Bill and Remus were arguing about the best way into Hogwarts as they knew Snape had every entrance covered either with Death Eaters or Dementors.

"Stop arguing, we are going to Apparate straight into Hogsmede and head into the Hogs Head, Aberforth with know what to do!" Arthur Weasley interupted as the two Wizards argued between flying and trying to break in via the floo.

"But what about the Caterwauling charm placed on Hogsmede?" Bill countered his father.

"If we go now we can get there before curfew, but only if everyone moves," Mr. Weasley urged.

Within five minutes everyone was outside, including Hermione, who after a very quick and heated conversation with Harry and Ron, had agreed to be careful and not allow herself into harms way.

Although with the protective way she was feeling over the father of her baby and her desperation to get the war over with and the world safe before her baby came, she would have liked to see them stop her!

Mr. Weasley took the lead, gripping his wife's hand and turning on the spot. Bill and Fleur followed, with Ruby taking Malfoy's hand and apparating him away.

Slowly the other members of the Order began to disappear with loud cracks and after a murmured "Hurry" Kinglsey apparated and left Harry, Hermione and Ron alone.

"Hermione-" Harry began but she cut him off, "Harry I'm coming and don't try to stop me or I'll hex you to Hogwarts!"

Harry sighed and held out his hand for Hermione to take. Ron took her other hand and she turned on the spot, taking them to just outside the back door of the Hog's Head.

Aberforth Dumbledore was waiting for them and ushered them inside, "you just made it. Curfew is in one minute"

They quickly headed inside and found the rest of the Order of the Phoenix gathered in the bar area. They received nods from a few members they recognized and a cheeky grin each from Fred and George.

"So how do we get in?" Harry asked as soon as he was in the room.

"Get in! Are you mad boy. That is the last place you should be!" Aberforth yelled, making Hermione jump.

"Mr. Dumbledore, we can defeat him, we know how. We just need to get into the building," Harry calmly explained.

"Boy, your just like my foolish brother, always on a crusade. If that man gets hold of you he will kill you and he won't think twice about it."

"Mr. Dumbledore, I need to get into Hogwarts, if you know a way in then tell me. That is all I ask," Harry pleaded.

"No. I won't help you kill yourself. My brother may not have cared who got hurt, but I do. Always the hero. He never cared about anyone but himself and how famous he was," Aberforth growled.

"Your wrong! He cared about everyone. He died for the wizarding world and... oh never mind," Harry sighed.

"No go on boy. Finish praising the man that has basically sent you to your death," Aberforth pushed.

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