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I open the window.
Someone stands below. I feel a small amount of recognition for that person, but they are too far away for me to confirm their identity.
I pick up the sewing scissors.
I cut my hair. Delicate wisps of brown hair floating down to the ground, until my hair remains as an uneven mess, reaching my chin. I make direct eye contact with the person below. I know now that it's Bella, and my eyes express hatred for a split second, then they are plain and empty again.

I pick up a pen and write.

Dear Lucia,

In my mind, the beautiful calm of our sweet world has now gone. It is replaced with sadness and emptiness, with rivers of tears that drown any happiness I once had. I'll look in a mirror and see myself, tears spilling from my eyes. I'll be sorry for us, sorry that you're gone and sorry that I couldn't save you. I'll try repairing our wounds with a grass thread in the hopes that nature can help us, but it'll fail. I can never believe that it's possible for me to make someone else happy when I'm so broken myself. 
If you're watching me write this from wherever you are now, either deep beneath the ground, buried away in your coffin, or up above the sky, with your beautiful angel wings, just know that I tried all I could to live and be happy without you, but I failed. I'm sorry.
All my love,


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