Chapter Thirty Three Homecoming Dance, A Final Choice And A New Beginning.

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"Lara petunia lake! Get your butt out of bed or you will be late for school! "My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs, I groaned. Knowing today was the first day of school after the Christmas break. , It had been two weeks since my parents wedding, And not much had happned. Although my parents had said to wait for them at school after school ended today, I wondered why they said that, I mean its not a problem but i just wondered why they wanted me to wait for them to pick me up rather then to simply let me walk home as it wasnt a long walk at all, Maybe they just wanted to be nice and be like normal parents and pick me up from school just as most parents do with their kids, I had never minded walking home alone, It was usually rather peaceful, Walking past all the different houses. When i walked home with Aja and Krel they chatted quite a lot, Sometimes they argued with each other abour different things, I mean they were brother and sister. And siblings do bicker, Speaking of siblings jacob and i had started training together and doing normal things together since he had been in the darklands for a good few years of my life, Still he was definatly making up for that now in more ways then one. Which was great, But i was still doubtful him and my parents would actually stay longer then a few weeks, But still, i was wrong about being a normal human being, Who knows what else i had still to discover? So i got out of bed and got dressed into a clean pair of jeans and a top, As well as a black jacket. I tied my hair up into a ponytail, Grabbed my backpack which was slung on a chair and headed downstairs to grab a quick breakfast and head to school. Once downstairs i saw my parents and my bro at the table, I was all set to grab a granola bar, Give a quick wave but when my mom sees me she smiles and asks me to sit down, "oh! No.. Mom ill be late for school" I explained, Hoping she would get it and allow me to leave with a granola bar but she smiled again and pointed to the clock. "Lara its half seven.. School dosent start to half 8 and its like a 20 minute walk. Chill, You have plenty of time "My mom. Told me with a happy smile, I sighed deeply, Ok.. I guess having breakfast wouldnt hurt.." I was about to finish my sentence as my dad nodded at me and smiled whie saying
"Isnt tonight the Homecoming Dance?" My dad asked, I gasped, Checked the calender and realised my father was right. Tonight was the homecoming dance, To be honest it felt nice sitting with my family at the breakfast table in the morning before i went to school, I mean this wasn't the first time we had breakfast together on a school day but ,Still.... Everything calmed down a lot when we defeated Kraingar and General Morando ,Today was also the last day of relaxation I had before I began my wizard training with Douxie ,My mind was swirling with possibilities about what this wizard training would lead to ,I just wasn't sure if I was ready for it,Or anything really.

"Eat up lara ! You will need lots of energy for the first day back to end with a bang!" My dad said with a bright happy smile on his face as he brought me over a plate of his arcadia famous omelets. I smiled shyly ,Nodded politely and ate as much as I could .I didn't feel very hungry today, I guess my mind is still transfixed on Everything that has happened so far ,Yet here I am eating breakfast with my parents and my annoying yet slightly wise brother,Is this what normal and happy family life felt like ?If felt really nice, My parents had worked so hard and been more grown up from when they were teens, They deserved a break from all the magic and danger ,I know people think that I'm brave and a total badass but...I'm not so sure ,As I pondered on these thoughts I absent mindedly played with bits of omelette with my fork ,I felt a hand touch my shoulder and looked back in surprise ,Thankful it was just my granny who had entered the kitchen while I had been deep in thought. She puts her hand on my shoulder and smiles as she speaks "Looks like the omelette isn't getting eaten any time today kiddo...You OK?"My granny asks me ,I smiled and nodded at my granny as I spoke ."Yeah...I'm good granny,Just ..nervous for the homecoming dance tonight ..."I explained ,She nodded while my brother made kissing noises ,"Yeahhhh I don't think its the dance your nervous about sis...But rather...Who your gonna be dancing with when all the slow songs come on" My brother said with a tease as he winked. I rolled my eyes at his idiocy and smiled as I finished my omelette which still tasted good after me playing with it on my plate.

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