𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕮𝖆𝖙

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Hyunjin -The Lost Cat- || Chapter One




The sky quietly cried out mid-afternoon as I walk down the streets of Seoul, The tears flowing all across the sidewalks.

I kick the water around as I made my way into my apartment complex, located somewhere in Central Seoul. As I make a right into the complex, I hear small cries coming from a nearby alleyway. With a simple head turn, a small striped cat hidden in the darkness of the alley becomes visible. I turn towards the cat and make my way down to give him my spare snacks.

After that day I found myself going back to the alleyway every morning before working and every night after.

I set a perfect schedule and followed it strictly, leaving at 8 every morning and returning around 7 at night after a long day of work. Even though it gradually tired me out having to spend extra time feeding and spending some time with the cat rather than lying in bed as soon as I got off of work, I knew it'd all be worth it when I could get a house and take care of him in a nice house rather then a small box in the alleyway.

After a couple weeks of keeping this schedule up, I go out and buy more snacks before visiting to give him. I go to the alley, feed him, give him love, then make my way home. The day wore me out, I decide to flop into bed and forget about dinner, i'd rather sleep then eat right now.

My eye's blink open and closed a few times as the sunlight creeps into my room. I quietly stretch out and look around, something's different. I look around trying to figure it out. The drawers, the curtains? No, it's non of that.

I turn trying to figure it out, everything is the same when i wake up, but it's different today, The shade of light, it's brighter than usual. Quickly, I turn to my alarm clock, realizing I didn't hear the sweet K-pop songs I set as my alarm this morning.


I quickly rise, making my head slightly hurt, and I change my clothes. As a poor college student who has a bad connection with their family, I didn't expect too have enough money to buy any real food for breakfast so I just skip it instead, too late to throw frozen waffles in the toaster anyhow.

I open the door and run down the halls, startling the people peacefully walking around the corners. I push the hallway doors open and rush out to the alley.

I cuff a quick right into the alleyway where the single lonely box containing a kitten was no longer alone, A relatively average sized man - definitely taller then me though - sat in front of the box, his face kissing the cat and his back towards me.

I panic, what do I do, what will he do to the cat? Is the cat his? What if I was feeding this guy's ca- "This cat yours?" The guy has moved up to me during my mini panic, causing me to flinch a bit. He has a stunning face, it's different, yet beautiful. "Erm, n-no sir" I shake my head as he moves back a bit. 

"Well do you know who's it is?"

"No, i've been feeding it these past few days"

He gives me a look before turning back to the cat, his hair flowing in the slight breeze. He walks up to the cat and pets him once more before saying.

"Well I guess I should get going, I have to go to work" He pokes his tongue out and pushes his eyebrows, making him look like a child being forced to eat broccoli. "Where are you headed?" I look at him, staring off into my mind for a second before answering. "Grocery store, My shifts about to start". Before walking off the man stops you. "The one 2 blocks down?" I look at him a bit confused, there's quite a few in the area I live in and he somehow managed to guess the right one. "Y-yeah?" 

"Well I guess we could walk together, I work at the 4th register"

Suddenly I remember who he is, as he walks out of the darkness into the light outside the alleyway, Hwang Hyunjin, the one across from my register. Who knew i'd ever have a conversation with him, the one everyone loves, the one everyone would die to talk too, and here we are, talking about a cat.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕮𝖆𝖙 ||𝕳𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝕳𝖞𝖚𝖓𝖏𝖎𝖓Where stories live. Discover now