Finding out🙃

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Once we made it to they boys house we met the girls and we decided they should move in with me,Jiggy, and Cohen. We got them settled in and decided to watch the lion king in the movie room. Me and Derek was cuddling until I saw Trent(stalker) with Bobby outside watching me,every one nows what happed in me and Bobby's relationship (cheated,abused,and raped me) I stared shaking and I quess Derek notice because he whispered this to me
D:*whishpering* hey you okay
R:no my ex is outside with Trent and I don't want them to hurt me😔😞
D:there not going to hurt you can I tell you a secret 🤫
R:yes 🙃
D:you can't tell no one
R:what about me brothers
D:I'll tell them
D:I'm a gang leader
R:WHAT * whispering yells*
D:yah and I won't let no one hurt you I made a safe room with guns and shit here so we can be safe
R:okay thank you ☺️
D:np and you can join if you want?
R:yes plz
D:okay everybody except your brothers are already in the gang
R:tell my brothers plz
They stop whispering bc the movie went off
D:hey guys i need to tell y'all something
D:I'm a gang leader and everybody expect you two are in the gang*points at Cohen and Jiggy*
J:can we join and sissy your in they gang
R:I just joined🤷🏽‍♀️
D:yah y'all can join
For the rest of the day they just talked and watched movies until they went to sleep.

Ik this story sucks I need more Ideas so give me some plzz byeee

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