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Hi guys, before we start, I just want to thank @Floofdlop for the suggestion anyways let's go

Lazuli wakes up on the couch and sees Speed looking at games he has for his console, he then sees Lazuli

Speed: Oh you're awake

Lazuli: Yes, what are you doing

Speed: Looking at my games

Lazuli: Oh, are we gonna play one

Speed: I mean sure, but are we going to just spend the whole weekend playing videogames

Lazuli: If I'm with you then yes

Speed: Uhhhhhhhhh, hm well ok then, we do have a plan for today, but we can play a quick game

Lazuli: Ok, so what are some multiplayer games you have

Speed: Smash Bros, Ditto Star Allies, Machop Maker, Machop Odyssey, Let's Go Eevee, you know let's go is a weird game, basically it is a video game about the theory of these creatures called humans, some people believe that they exist and other people don't, but if they do it is in another universe, and since that CC character randomly showed up it is very likely that they do exist in another universe. humans were sorta smarter than pokémon, but they had no Abilities or moves, these games are about that theory were the humans would catch pokémon with devices

Lazuli: Sounds like a weird game

Speed: I've heard it is, but people still seem to enjoy it

Lazuli: Ok

Speed: So which one sounds good

Lazuli: Not sure

Speed: Smash bros is about Battle, Ditto Star Alies is about Friendship, Machop maker is about making mario levels, Odyssey is about a guy and a hat that can mind control

Lazuli: How about Let's Go Eevee, although Ditto Star Allies does sound fun

Speed: Ok

Speed and Lazuli play let's go, and find everything about it very strange, but they enjoy it since they are playing together (also yes Let's Go is multiplayer)

Lazuli: Oh an Eevee

Speed: Yes, I have heard that this Eevee can't evolve in Let's Go

Lazuli: Huh, well ok

After a while, they have beaten 2 gyms, and didn't realize everyone was watching, confused, and having many questions, so Speed and Lazuli try to explain everything about that game

Frank: Well since we planned today to be a free day for you guys, you can go explore the island, just remember stay safe

Then everyone leaves to go explore the island

Pearl decides that they could go in groups to do what everyone wants not having to follow the other ones around, to see what one person wants, and everyone goes in a group

Speed and Lazuli
Leaf and Flare
Crystal and Silvia
Black and Pearl and Sunshine and Axel

Lazuli: Well I guess this is like a first date thing huh Speed

Speed: Uhh, I guess yeah

Lazuli: Huh, well what do you want to do

Speed: I was about to ask the same thing

Lazuli: Oh, um well, there are mainly two things but I still would like to do more

Speed: I think I can guess

Lazuli: First one is Library

Speed: then let's go

Lazuli: Ok

Speed: Have you ever felt what it is like with Super Speed

Lazuli: No

Speed: Get on

Lazuli: Do you even know where the Library is

Speed when we got here, I saw a map

Lazuli: Ok

Speed: Hang On

Then Speed speeds Lazuli to the Library

Lazuli: Wow that was fast

Speed: What did you expect it to be

Lazuli: Fast

Then Lazuli goes to pick out her books

Speed: Wow

Lazuli: What

Speed: That's a lot

Lazuli: Not much compared to what I usually get

Speed pays for the rent of the books then Lazuli puts all but one in a bag and reads the one

Speed: Hmm I think I saw an arcade on the map

Lazuli: Speed away

Then Speed starts running but trips over a big rock and a can and accidentally throws Lazuli, Lazuli lands on a bed that is on display and finds it really soft. Speed however hits the concrete ground with his head at full force

Lazuli: s-eed ar- yo- ok-

Speed could barley hear before he becomes unconscious 

Person 1: Is he ok?

Person 2: He hit the ground hard

Lazuli runs over to Speed and takes him back to the house

So guys how is it, I know some of you might be confused on the ending of this chapter, but trust me, I have read all Eeveelution Squad comics, I know about Speed ok, the part you are probably thinking of will be explained in the next chapter, which should come out very soon since I will be immediately working on the next chapter when this one goes up, so yea

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