Welcome to Quest Island

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Jesse is male in this x reader :))

———————-Jesse's POV—————————

We've been looking through portals for god knows how long. So far, none of them lead back home. We stop at a certain portal, which looks like the way home. The portal frame looked like a regular nether portal, except the portal is green.

I take a look to examine this strange portal, when I feel a push on my shoulder. Suddenly I fall into the portal with a yelp.

I open my eyes and take a look around, the first thing I see is the sun.

'Wow, a world with only one sun. Good sign so far.' I think as I stand up. I feel the grass with my legs and look around. I was in a weird small space that was fenced up.

I look to my left to see a few lockers. Standing next to those lockers are Lukas, Petra, and Ivor. I smile and walk up to them.

"Finally, you're awake." I hear Petra say as she waves to me. I stretch my arms out.

"Hey Jesse, I think this might be our world!" Lukas cheers. I look past the fence to see pure wilderness.

"Yeah maybe, but what are those lockers there for?" I say as I point to the lockers. Everyone takes a look before turning back to me.

"That's what we're trying to find out." Petra says. I look over to Ivor. It looks like he's always thinking about too many things at once, as usual.

I notice that there are signs on the lockers. I walk over to examine what they say.

"Jesse" I repeat what the sign says. I look over to the other lockers. It seems everyone has a 'special' locker here.

"That's really weird." Lukas says as he examines his locker.

"How did they know we were coming?" Ivor asks. I shrug my shoulders and take another look around. I see another two signs and a chest on the other side of the fence. I walk over to read it.

"Welcome to Quest Island. You were brought here for a reason." One of the signs said. I look over to the other sign.

"Please look in this chest for information." I call over everyone. I open the chest and it's filled with books. I take one and read it aloud to everyone.

"So from what my brain tells me, you're supposed to survive and finish quests?" Lukas asks. I nod to him.

"It seems so." I say. Everyone sighs out of disappointment.

"Ugh, so basically we're supposed to do dumb favors for whoever runs this place?! Well I'm not doing any of this. I'm gonna go find my way back to the portal room." Ivor rages as he stomps towards his locker.

We all walk over to our lockers and open them. Inside of my locker is a book and some steak. At least we won't starve.

I open the book to find a bunch of quests. The quests range from as easy as picking a couple of flowers, to as hard as collecting three wither skulls.

I shut my book and walk over to the others.

"Before we find the portal room, we have to get some food and armor." I tell the group. "We're not gonna survive on sixteen pieces of steak."

"Fine, but I'm not gonna be here for longer than I have to." Ivor seethes as he walks towards the gate. We look to each other before exiting.

"Okay guys, past this fence are people, mobs, and danger. The book says that pvp is allowed so be careful if you see anyone, they could be dangerous." I remind the group before stepping outside of the gate.

Quest Island (Ivor x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now