Chapter 2

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I awoke with a start, my eyes popping open with a surge of adrenaline. Was I still in the warehouse? Had Xymon done something to me?

I shot up, belatedly realizing that my head had been resting on a pillow. Clearly, I wasn't in the warehouse.

Where was I?

The thought evaporated as my surroundings suddenly struck me with their familiarity.

I was home.

I searched my memories of the moments before my blackout for any clues as to how I had ended up back home. I remembered the strange alien, Xymon. In my mind, I relived the strange tingle of sensation that the close proximity to him had generated inside me. I concentrated on my body for a moment, how it felt. Slowly, I came to the realization that the tingle was now gone.

Frankly, that was a relief. What had that been about, anyway? Did the alien have some sort of weakening field? Maybe that's why Sapphire Valkyrie had been so ineffective against him!

I thought back to the moment of my collapse, recalling Xymon's eyes widening. Had he seen me or just felt me fall behind him? Had I willed away my invisibility power? No, I didn't think so. Even in my distraction, I hadn't ceased the use of my power. I should have remained invisible.

But maybe he had nullified it somehow? As he had nullified Valyrie's strength? Did these aliens have some sort of power-dampening field?

And what had Raven said when he appeared from the shadows in that mysterious (and sexy) way of his? Something about the surrender of Earth? A tingle spread across my skin once more, but this tingle was one of horror. As goosebumps rose from my flesh, I wondered what had come of that conversation. Was earth now under the control of that Xymon guy? Had Raven truly surrendered the planet without so much as a fight? Well, without more than Sapphire Valkyrie's fight, anyway...

Ugh! Why had I not been able to remain awake?! I'm there for one of the most important events in the history of the world, and I pull a complete freaking wussification and faint! I should probably be kicked out of for that alone.

Frowning, I shook my head. Sitting in bed feeling sorry for myself wouldn't bring me any answers. I needed to find out what was happening! I swept my feet from under the covers and placed them on the floor. Cautiously, I stood. I expected wooziness but instead felt surprisingly strong.

I strode through my bedroom, eyes scanning for any clue as to how I had arrived back here, anything out of the ordinary. As my gaze fell to my desk, I saw a paper. Walking over to it, I saw handwritten scrawl.

Hope you're okay. Call me. 847-555-1234.


I couldn't help but smile. Raven was obviously a believer in word economy. I supposed it was appropriate for his dark, brooding image.

My train of thought was interrupted by the sound of my apartment door opening. A lightning bolt of fear jagged through me, and I crept to the doorway of my bedroom, peering trepidatiously into the main room of my one-bedroom apartment. I watched the door swing open to reveal a bright, blonde-framed face wearing an expression of worry.

"Andrea?" I intoned, relief dropping my tensed shoulders.

"Samster?" my sister returned, a hopeful smile beginning to form under glassy, frightened eyes. "Are you okay? When I got the call that you were unconscious, I was so scared. You never even told me I was your emergency contact, and when I got the call from, I just wasn't expecting it, and I didn't know what to do, and I just froze up! It took me a minute to recover, and then I grabbed my keys and came straight here, but I didn't know what to expect, and I... I'm babbling aren't I?"

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