Chapter 4

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As Xymon approached, I attempted to put on a brave face, but as I felt my body begin to tingle as it had in the warehouse, the icy chill of fear whirled into me. I could sense my jaw tighten and eyes tremor with the onset of the unwanted sensation, and I began a mental mantra: "Don't faint! Don't faint! Don't freaking FAINT!"

"I tracked Raven here, but what do I find instead? It's the pretty girl from the warehouse," the devilishly delicious alien said, amusement dancing in his eyes. "I can't say that I'm disappointed, though. You're much closer to my usual choice in companionship."

The alien moved in an arc around me, appraising. "You are a little skinny maybe. I know that I have an intense effect on Earth females, but none of the others have fainted just by approaching me. You must REALLY have a thing for perfect bodies and unbelievable strength."

He paused to let his words sink in for a moment, a smug smirk forming on his perfect lips. "Not that I can blame you..."

I fought to remain standing, the decreasingly solid world seeming to ripple as he came to a stop before me. Xymon gave a lilting laugh at my swaying form. I was vaguely aware that my expression was now completely transparent, revealing my distress, but I couldn't muster the energy to care. For all my newfound strength, it was all I could do to remain standing, bolstering my weakening knees with just barely enough willpower to prevent another epically humiliating collapse at his feet.

The man MUST have some sort of weakening aura. That MUST be his secret. Right?

"There's something about you, pretty girl..." he whispered absently, seemingly to himself. His grin faded, the amusement in his eyes melting into something that looked more akin to desire.

Funny, I might have said the same to him! Lord knows, I probably had the same amorous look in my eyes. The man was just so ridiculously well-formed. His body was like a Bernini sculpture made flesh—almost too perfect to be real.

I attempted to speak, but only a soft, aroused squeak managed to escape my lips. If my whimpering little sound were any indication, I was in for further humiliation in the very near future.

I opened my mouth to speak a second time, still determined to make a strong showing this time before earth's would-be conqueror, but no words came out at all. Bloody freaking hell!

I felt my eyes widen as I stared up at him, at his smiling lips, and I licked my own involuntarily.

"Jesus, Sam! Get ahold of yourself!" I admonished myself mentally.

What was it about this man? Why did he have such an effect on me? I mean, I felt an attraction toward Raven, yes. Always had. But it was nowhere near this strong. My feelings for Xymon—this sculpted, muscular, achingly sexy alien—were completely overpowering, shorting out my every attempt to control myself, to even stand upright! Was this attractiveness related to his physical weakening power? Some sort of mental enfeeblement power to go along with the physical one? I sure hoped not. At some point, unless we were actually prepared to surrender Earth, we were going to have to stand against this man. That wasn't going to be easy if I couldn't think properly, or, well, stand.

As I was attempting to think my way through this whole situation, my body seemed to act of its own accord. Before I knew what I'd done, I had stepped forward, pushed up onto my tiptoes and pressed my lips into his.

The feeling was absolutely orgasmic. Heat radiated from my womb, bursting through me, instantly scorching away all the thoughts and feelings that had been warning me that this was a really bad idea.

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