First Day Of High School

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Shrek's POV:
    My alarm went off.. this was the first day of high school I was so excited but yet so scared I got out of bed put on tight jeans and a tight white shirt..I finished getting ready and walked out the door I took a deep breath and started walking, the school wasn't that far away so it wouldn't be hard for me to walk adding if I walk anymore then a mile I'd probably be dead. walking wouldn't be that bad adding a shed some of my belly fat
*Honk honk*
What is that? I thought to myself. Before I knew it a very handsome car with a fine red color pulled up next to me and asked if I wanted to get in..I wasn't about to turn down this opportunity so I got in the car. The whole ride was awkward neither of us talked. Until he broke the silence by asking what my name was "s-Shrek" I said nervously
"I'm lightning McQueen" he said in such a sexy voice... Before I knew it we were at the high school I got out of lightning McQueen and asked how is he going to go to school if he's a car. Lightning McQueen looked at me and smiled
"Are you that stupid, I can turn into a human" he said before he knew it he turned in to a handsome young man with the red hair wearing a band t-shirt black ripped jeans..  Wow! Lightning McQueen looks amazing I never thought a car could be this fine.

McQueen's POV:
I don't know what I was thinking letting that green looking freak in me. But at the same time he looked so pathetic out there.. what will Rusty think when he finds out I let another man ride me. Rusty was my best friend but it was very obvious he had feelings for me because every time I let another man ride me he would instantly get mad saying that he's the only one that can ride me. But that's besides the point, we were already at the school and Shrek asked how I go to school if I'm a car! I got a real kick out of this since that idiot really thinks that I'm a stay a car and go to school!! But I wasn't going to be rude and just laugh at him so I transformed into my human. Shrek's face look like a tomato I didn't know what to say so I just walked right past him.
----small time skip----
"HEYYYY MAN!" Jesus yelled
"Oh no" I mumbled not him again. Jesus was the very obnoxious homo, we went to the same middle school. I honestly don't know what vibes he gives off he's like hippie but so horny and gay like this man just can't be gay he has to make it his whole personality.

---authors note---
Please don't attack me for this it's mostly a joke and I will be continuing this series for uh....
✨ Entertainment purposes ✨
I will also start making longer chapters that will get more detailed 😏

Jesus X Shrek X lightning McQueenWhere stories live. Discover now