chapter 1~ heat waves

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It was a tuesday morning, the lovely, warm sun beamed down on the smallish apartment making it hot and unberable. On the king sized bed, lied a tallish figure,muscular and well-groomed. He sat up drenched in sweat." Wow it is hot today ". Dream decided to go on minecraft to take his mind of the weather. He got up from his bed and shuffled over to his gaming set up. A sigh of relief escaped his lips when dream sat down. The gaming chair was made of leather so it was nice and cold to the touch but it wouldn't last. After 5 minutes, it was already hot and uncomftable again. Dream reached out to turn on the moniter. A loud noise, that sounds like a fan, came from the back to signify that it was turning on. "I need to get a new one" dream muttered under his breath. While he was waiting for his computer to turn on, he texted his friend sapnap.
"Hey dude wanna go on the sever"
                                                 "Yh sure"
"I'm just waiting for my moniter
turn on"
                                 "Ok also add george"
"I'll add him to vc2"
                                              "Cool man"
"Can we talk after we played minecraft just us 2"
                                          "Yh sure dude"
"Finnaly" he uttered. After he turned of his phone and placed it facing up. He went on discord and added sapnap and George to a call. "What do you want?" George started to say. It sounded like he was iritated and had just woken up. "I thought you might have wanted to play to minecraft with us" dream said guiltly. "It is like 3am over here". "Sorry. You can leave if you want". There was silence. After a while sapnap finnally said something. "Well are you?". George proceeded to open up minecraft. "I'll play. Only for a little bit though". "Yes". Dream was filled with excitement. He loved playing with george but loved him more. He felt so guilty when he woke him up that he felt like he was gonna cry. He needed to talk to sapnap soon because this was getting ridiculous. Dream always thought that he never liked george and he was just a very good friend but the more dream heard of his raspy voice and the teasy flirting the more he wanted it to be real. The more he heard of george's loud ass  screaming the more he wanted to be the cause of it. But he couldn't think like this. It was wrong. He wasn't even sure weither he liked him back or did he?

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