chapter 2~the confession

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They had been playing for a couple hours when they decided to log off the smp. "That was so fun" sapnap blurted out. He loved playing with his friends as well but he just wished dream and george would at least talk about if they were a thing because he wanted them to go out. He secrectly liked the idea of them two. "Yeah it was I guess". George sounded tired still. It was 5am in london after all. "Oh come on. That was fun". He nodded in agreement. He couldnt be bothered to argue. Dream was wheezing in the background. That made george start laughing. "Something about that kettle laugh is so..... no stop george you cant he is you friend". This wasnt the first time this has happened. It has happened on stream before. Dream goes to far then george goes red. He just loves dreams voice. Something about it makes his body feel with warmth and he gets a tingly feeling inside.  "Sorry guys but I need to go. My cat just got stuck in the bin again" sapnap said with an annoyed tone."oh ok bye then"." Yeah bye sapnap. Also make sure you put your bin up because she will just keep getting stuck" Dream said sounding genuin and wanting to help. "Will do". After that, sapnap left the call which meant george and dream were all alone. "Well I guess my talk with him went over his head". "Yeah". George sounded disapointed. Why would he talk to sapnap and not him? "Maybe you could talk to me about it" george said sounding like he want to listen."fuck what do I do" dream thought."fuck it". "Ok. Yeah". George was excited he loved watching dream talk and his voice was so relaxing he could listen to it for hours. "So umm. There has been a lot on my mind". Dream was so nervous. He was going to confess his feelings to his best friend. "Take you time". George was worried about dream. He hoped he was ok after all he did love him. "George I cant say it out loud i am to nervous." He was cut of by george sounding very worried. "Are you ok dream". Dream was surprised. George really did look out for him. "Yeah no im fine. It is just i dont know how to pharse it so this song is the best way to say i how i feel about you." There was a ping and a bright light appeared from georges phone. A link to a song showed in big bold letters across the cracked screen. "Heatwaves." George said confused. "Yeah just listen to the lryics." George clicked on the message and opened the link. The song started to play. "Sometimes all i think about is you. Late nights in the middle of june. Heatwaves been faking me out. Cant make you happier now." A few minutes passed and the song had fully played. George let every word of the song sink in. "Dream." Yes george." There was a big silence. "I feel the same."

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