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3 weeks pass~~

Wendy's POV

I met him again...The guy with cape and the same mask..."Hey!We met again!"He approach me."H-huh?Oh yeah.N-nice to meet you!"I stuttered."Same here!Oh yea,Last time I didn't told you my name!Izumin is my name!"He said."I-I'm Wendy."I said."Oya?Who is she,Sir Izumin?"

"Oh she?Why you wanna know 'bout her,Sir Kouji?"He said.

Izumin's POV

"Oya?Who is she,Sir Izumin?"Some mere idiot said."Oh she?Why you wanna know 'bout her,Sir Kouji?"I said."'Cuz knowing you,I never see you have girl-friend."(you know,the friendship one,not what you're thinkin':))

"Oya,I didn't even have one?How rude that phrases you have,Kouji-san"I said while smirking in that mask."Why I'm feeling you smirking?Are you make fun of me,Izumin-san?"He said."What if I said,YES?"

"Whatever,I'm asking you,WHO IS SHE?"He said."A friend."I picking a fight."I KNOW THAT"He mad."So?What do you want with her?"I said."I mean,what's her name?"Wendy"I said."What?"He said."You heard me aho"I said."I'M NOT""Whatever""Um-Hello~""Yes?"We both reply."What are you guys doing?"A cherry headed girl asking us.

Kouji's POV

She asking us what we're doing?Is she idiot or what?"We're arguing,idiot cherry-headed"I say."I'm not an idiot!And don't call me cherry-headed!"She said."Ok.Cherry-haired""Don't call me that too!"she said"So?What should I call you?Cher-BUogh"Izumin elbowed me."WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"I said."You took your joke too far.Sorry about him"He apologized to them."It's-" "OIIIIIIIIIIIIII ZUMINNNN KOUUUU"Kai interrupted Wendy."Kai!Eguchi!WHERE ARE YOU GOING YOU IDIOT!"Uh-oh,Izumin mad.

"We're just being distracted by those food!They're really delicious!"He give a the reasons.Damn you genius brat."Why don't you just say we're lost cause you picking a fight with some raven hair that have stripping habit?"Eguchi suddenly popout of nowhere."Shhhhh!Don't tell the truth,Eguchi!"He said."Whoops you're dead Kai '-'"I said."Kai-kun,do you mind I breaks half of your bone?"He's dark aura appeared."Um h-hello?"Wendy cut the atmosphere."Yes Wendy?"Izumin's dark aura vanished and replaced with happy aura.Wow.What a sudden change.

Izumin's POV

"*Sigh*Look's like we need to go.Goodbye"I waved my hand to Wen-the girls."C'mon let's go"I said to the idiots."Okay!"They said."Goodbye!We meet again!"Wendy said.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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