Preface: Chirp

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Taking the last breath,

One might only seize.

Taking one last look,

One might only turn.

Facing the biggest problem,

One might only run.

Looking at the face of those you care for most,

One might only isolate themselves.

Protecting yourself,

One might lose the other,

And when protecting the other,

One might lose themselves.

The question of if the end will ever come is contradictory to the meaning of life itself. Given three, you must cherish those with your whole being or you risk everything. To quoth the Raven, something that happens nevermore will never happen.

Such a subtle way of saying that nevermore will only ever imply to itself, because there is nothing that never happens besides nothingness itself. So in a sense everyone would hold dear to those three lives, and yet also be reckless with a lack of restraint that they grant. Everything is contradictory to everything else. Evermore and nevermore will never exist in one world. There is both a continuity and an end at the same time.

The irony has not fallen on me, do not fret.

But how is this important to a story?

It is important to know that something as basic and complex as forever and never does not exist. Just as there is no existence of heroes and villains. For everyone will take a last breath. Everyone will seize. Everyone will lose, just as everyone will win. Everyone is surrounded, just as they are isolated. Just as everyone lives, everyone will die. No matter how many lives you have now, or have started out with. No matter how invincible, or how fragile one can be.

How ironic the universe is.

Because in a story of life and death. A story of love and war. A story of heroes and villains. There is nothing to exist, but there is plenty to take from it. There is nothing to take from it, just as there is plenty of it to exist.

Now I ask of thee as you continue, remember this is a self induced exile if you will. You will take part in this work if you so wish, or you will drop it off as soon as you can. But if you stay, if you succumb to what I present, I shall ask you to remember this.

Everything is nothing. Nothing is everything.

Heroes can be evil. Villains can be kind.

Pay no attention, nevermore, but stay on your toes, evermore.

The universe does not care if you have an existential crisis.

For the universe is a funny, fickle thing.

How fun for us all.

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