Chapter eleven

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A/N So it's been a bit. Oops my bad. Aries will be back on the grind of daily chapters soon. enjoy! Also Thank you so much for 100 reads!

Ash leads the way through Maiyas huge house towards her room. We entered and my eyes were drowning in red. Red Jodhpurs, blankets,rugs, curtains and hair dye. The only non read thing was a blue camera lying on her bed. Ash can tell I am looking at it so she says,
"That's my horse cam. Sounds silly I know but when I first arrived yesterday-"
"You got here YESTERDAY?!?" I inturrupted . I thought she had only just arrived!
"Yes, but Maiyas parents wanted me to unpack and adjust to the new life before going out.Sorry"She bows her head as she says it her red hair falling Infront of her face.
"It's honestly fine!" I laugh. She looks up as if she is saying, really?. I gesture to the camera and she continues her sentence.
"Anyway, like I was saying that's my horse cam. I called it that because when I was looking over my balcony I saw a bay horse trotting about. Skipping and jumping so to say. So I took a photo. Here look!" She hands me her camera and I'm met with a far off image of what seems to be Aries.
"Cute" I say trying to hide the fact that it bothered me. That horse got my attention for sure and I wanted to make sure no one ruined our relationship. Tommorow I shall take a headcollar and leadrope down to the tree and try and walk her back to my stables. It will be difficult to do as she is hard to gain trust with by how long it took to just have her sat with me under the stars.
"I know they are. Perhaps one day it could be mine oh I dream of a horse like that!"Ash responds staring at her curtains."Come look it may be outside now!" She runs up to the curtains and reveals a beautiful large balcony that had a view no one could have imagined.
Of course there was Aries trotting around in the flowers and and looking majestical.
"Told you they'll be there!" Ash laughs and starts talking about her future with the horse. I wasn't listening, just staring out at Aries.
Suddenly a knock comes at the door. We both jump as it sounds and turning towards it we see Maiya and she says,
"Dinner is ready. Just thought you should know." She seemed off and her eyes were red.
"Are you ok?" I ask walking towards her. She turns away and sighs,
"It's Donovan. He's ill. Too I'll. He fell sick this morning and he's only getting worse. I fear we will have to say goodbye-" she cuts off and tears start rolling down her freckled cheeks.
"No, no no. Don't cry Maiya. Come here!" Ash exclaims spreading her arms out and giving Maiya a hug. I go to join in and help comfort Maiya but then her phone begins to ring.
"It's Thomas" she says weakly and walks out of the room on the phone.

Ash looks at me and says,
"Well we'd better go down." She drops her camera back on her bed and we walk down the huge carpeted stairs towards a huge kitchen. There was beautiful ceramic chestnut horse statue Infront of a large window. Maiyas mother was stood beside the door and said,
"Ash wonderful you decided to join us any more on the horse front?"
Ashley laughs and says
"Well maybe but I'll check them out on Sunday." I knew for sure she was talking
About Aries but I couldn't tell her, she would just think I'm trying to ruin her life. She's been like that ever since I revealed I was moving back to West Victoria.

A/N hope you enjoyed this very late chapter :D

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