Chapter Eleven: Truth or Dare?

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Raven gets startled and folds the paper Trystan slipped inside her pocket as she hears someone call her name.

"Everyone come here fast!!" It was Tim, he yelled everyone's name as loud as he could.

Raven rushes in the direction of Tim, with other campers of the group following her steps.

"What is it? What happened?" Raven asks Tim while panting from all the running as she catches a breath.

"It''s Jasper!" Tim stutters and pants while Jasper lays next to him.

"I found him like this, he is alive but it seems like he is unconscious", he adds as he tries to get a hold of Jasper's head.

"Jasper, Jasper" Raven calls out his name in a hope that he might wake up while shaking him and slightly slapping his cheeks.

"Wait, what is that?" Raven questions perplexed; looking at what seemed to be a wound on Jasper's forehead.

It was sort of a mark as if someone had hit him with something protruded and sharp. It made her think of Trystan's staff immediately but then she didn't want to believe or think for a split second that it could be him.

Jasper soon came back to his senses as he groaned in pain and Raven asked someone to bring water for him. Lyla rushed to get a bottle for him as Tim helped him sit up.

They managed to sprinkle some water on his face and then let him drink some before taking him to the campsite. He was still a little fuzzy and his vision was a little blurry, so Tim gave him a shoulder to walk with.

They return to the campsite and make Jasper sit next to the bonfire Sharon & Valerie started earlier in order for Jasper's cold body to regain some warmth.

The in-charge had already left the campsite, he was nowhere to be seen.

It was nightfall and it started to get even more chilly. They gathered around the bonfire and ate what was already packed for each one of them, and was handed to them before starting the hike.

Tim manages to sit next to Raven who was already there warming up her cold hands. To her right was Jasper, still shivering and slightly lost.

"Hello there, campers!" Trystan interrupts as he places one of his hands on Jasper's shoulder and the other on Raven's back.

Raven felt a shiver run down her spine. Before anyone could say anything, Trystan took the liberty of filling the gap between Raven and Jasper. He sat down occupying the space.

"Jaspee is Bauck wit aus" Valerie Responds breaking the silence.

"Glad, nothing happened to him" Trystan replies in a sarcastic tone. It sounded creepy.

"Okay kids, feel free to do whatever you like to as today you are allowed," Trystan announces to cheer up the campers.

"Why don't we play Truth or Dare?" Lyla dives into the conversation.

"How do we decide who starts?" Sharon questions them all.

"We can use our birth dates" Tim suggests in a nerdy voice while he adjusts his glasses.

" umm... mine is the 3rd of May" Lyla initiated with all the enthusiasm.

"Mine is 9th August" Tim followed.

"4th June" Valerie declares.

"August 7" Jasper followed right after Valerie.

"2nd of April" Sharon says next.

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