Down the hallway

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Me, Tk and Davis had just volunteered to go check on Ken as he wasn't answering anyone's calls. The rest of the group was down by the beach which was where the next distortion was supposed to appear.
"Hey Kari" Davis said in his annoying tone of voice "You know if you get scared you can hold my hand"
"I'm good Davis thanks" I said clearly annoyed
"This is his right, 217?" Tk said clearing the tension between Davis and I.
"Yup" I said calmly "I'll knock"
I knocked quietly on the door, no answer. I knocked again slightly louder, still no answer.
"You're doing it wrong!" Davis shouted
Davis proceeded to bang on the front door 17 time before it finally open.
"Hey Ken how ar-" Davis was saying before his sentence was cut off.
Ken who was suited up in his digimon emperor attire proceeded to shoot energy from his glove straight into Davis his left shoulder.
"Oh my gosh davis!" I screamed in terror
"Your next Blondie" Ken said staring directly at Tk with evil in his eyes.
"Kari we have to get out of here!" Tk shouted
"But Davis-" but before I could even get the rest of the sentence out of my mouth Tk grabbed my arm and yanked me down the hallway.
We were running down the hallway, Tk still had a firm grasp on my arm. As we turn the corner and headed for the stairs I saw Ken in my peripheral vision slowly walking down the hallway with a psychotic grin on his face. Tk and i dashed down the stairs. We had made it to the bottom of the staircase and gotten outside with ken still far behind us as he was walking.
"TAI! TAIIII" I screamed at my brother but he couldn't hear me, they were too far way.
"They can't hear us kari" Tk said with a panic in his voice "Ken is coming down the stairs right now we need to find some place to get a shelter and hide!"
I gave him a nod and we both raced towards the one place we both knew inside and out, our school. We both opened the doors and started running, Ken was still walking down the stairs but had seen that we had gone to the school. Once we felt like we had gone deeper into our school we started to walk as we were exhausted from sprinting.
"That's not Ken" I cried "He would never turn like that again, i know him!"
"Then who was it Kari?" Tk said now shouting at me "It looked like Ken to me!"
"I just-" I pause for a second "I just know that isn't him"
We both heard a loud bang and spun around to see Ken standing at the doors
"What a smart girl you are Kari"
It was Ken, or was it? Tk and I watched as Ken slowly morphed into his true form. It wasn't even ken at all, it was dark Gennai.
"Ken is just one of the many forms i can take" Gennai explained "Real Ken won't be bothering us, I took care of him"
"What do you want from us?" Tk asked rather calmly "Everyone else is by the beach"
"Well yes I thought about that" Gennai said "I just felt like I should kill you before I kill your brothers, you know?"
"Oh my god, your crazy!" Tk said "Come on kari we have to get out of here!"
And with that we raced through the double doors into the senior building. We ran up and down the hallways hoping to lose him, sadly we never did. This is it, i'm going to die here.
"Here's the key to the drawer" said nishijima "It might come in handy one day"
He handed a small silver key to Tai. The key was for a drawer, a drawer with a gun inside. In case of an emergency
"Oh thanks" Tai said as nishijima waved and walking away
"Hey Tai, ready to head home?" I said
"Yeah sure, but can you take care of this key for me?" Tai said sternly
"Uh sure, what does the key open?" I asked curiously
"It's for a drawer in nishijima classroom, it has a gun inside" Tai said "I don't want it you take it kari, your responsible right?"
"Yeah, i'll hang on to it" I said annoyed at my 17 year old who could even handle not losing a key, jeez.
The gun, i had to try. Do i know how to use a gun? No, god no i don't. I have to save Tk, no matter what. I pulled the key out of my pocket.
"What's the key for Kar?" Said Tk "Our lives are kinda on the line here"
"The gun drawer" I said "COME ON TRUST ME, this is the only way"
He looked me in the eye and nodded, I grabbed his hand and we sped down the hallway towards nishijima's classroom. I open the door and swiftly slid behind the desk, Tk followed behind. I struggled unlocking the drawer until Tk broke the silence.
"I never told my brother how much he meant to me" Tk said with his hands covering his face
"What?" i said concerned "Tk we're not going to die, okay?"
"Do you even know how to use that thing?" tk said in a mocking tone
I looked down at the weapon I was holding, I didn't know how do use a gun. What on earth was i doing? Tk was right, we're going to die here. I hadn't gotten to tell my brother how much I appreciated him either. Tai had always been there for me, to protect me and to just be a friend. I couldn't have asked for a better brother. I looked down at the gun again.
"No way, i'm not going down with out a fight" I said "I refuse to let the fear get to me"
"good thing one of us is brave are yo-" before Tk could even get another word out of his mouth the doors swung open.
"I know you're in here brats!" dark Gennai said "Come out come out where ever you are"
This was my chance to show i'm not the weak link. I stood up and pointed the gun at Gennai, Tk looked at me like I was crazy but soon join me to stand by my side.
"Oh, feeling brave today are we? You can't shoot me, aren't you just the weak little sister of the group? Pointing a gun at me? I almost mistake you for your brother. You couldn't shoot me even if you tried, i would bother trying kar-"
Gennai really knows how to make me mad, mistake me for my brother? what a jerk.
"Nice shot!" Tk said "I'm not sure if you were aiming for the shoulder, but you hit it"
To be honest I don't know what I was aiming for, but nonetheless I wiped the smirk off of Gennai's face,  now he's walking away with his tail between his legs and a hole in his shoulder.
Just as Gennai was limping out, our brothers busted in. They look concerned. Oh, they probably found davis.
"Are you guys okay?" tai said "Cause davis is on his way to the hospital"
"Is he going to be okay" I asked
"Probably" Matt spoke up "You guys didn't answer the question"
"We're fine, thanks to Kari" Tk said timidity
"Kari?" Tai said confused until he noticed the gun in my hands "Did you shoot him?"
"Their was no other way" I said looking at the ground "I'm sorry, did didn't know what to do and-"  Then Tai cut me off
"Who knew my baby sister was a badass!" Tai said as her slapped the bad of my head "I'm proud of you"
I smiled up at my brother. He said that he was proud, that's all I ever wanted to hear.

Authors note: Sorry this one took so long to publish, i've been drowning in school work. I'm going to try to post one a week. Thanks to the few people that read this, I appreciate you! Feel free to leave story ideas.

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