Beach day

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My alarm when off, I rolled out of bed. Ugh I hate mornings. Especially on a weekend when I should still be sleeping. I brushed my hair and got dressed in a long yellow sun dress. I walked into the kitchen, no one else was up. Are you serious? Whatever, guess i'll start breakfast. I started making eggs for me and my brother. It didn't take long, but when they were done my brother was nowhere to be seen. I knocked on his bedroom door.
"Are you up?" I said as I opened the door "Of course not"
He look dead. Did he forget about today? Not only was he my ride, he was also looking forward to today
"Hellooooooo" I said in an annoying tone "Earth to Tai Kamiya!"
At this point he started to move. At least i knew he wasn't dead, that's always nice. Then he launched a pillow at me. Never mind.
"Did you forget about day?" I asked "We're going to be late!"
"Does it look like I care?" He snapped back
"No, no it doesn't" I said unimpressed "But I did hear that Sora and Mimi hate guys that are late"
He sat up quickly. I knew it would work, he is so easy to lie to. Also Mimi hates everything about the word late, that was not a lie. Tai got up in a hurry and pushed past me.
"Your welcome?" I said "There's breakfast on the table"
Within minutes we were both at the table when there was a knock at the door.
"That must be mimi" I said smiling at my brother "Would you like to get the door or shall I?"
"I'll get it" Tai said "Wait stop!"
"Too late" I said already standing at the door
I opened the door to see mimi, she had a frown on her face.
"You guys aren't ready yet?" Mimi said unimpressed "We're going to be late!"
"Sorry mimi" I said "We'll be down in a gif!"
"A giffette" Tai said as he poked his head around the corner with a piece of toast shoved in his mouth and his shirt half buttoned.
Mimi sighed, she was clearly annoyed that we weren't ready yet especially since she likes to be early to everything.
We hopped in the car, my brother was driving, Mimi was in the passenger seat and I was in the back. After running a red light, turning the wrong way, and almost running out of gas, we got to the beach. Matt and Sora were there to greet us. Was kind of disappointed that Tk wasn't there but whatever, it's fine.
"Your late" Matt said "I thought you might not show up, yet here you are"
"Glad you could make it" Sora said
"Guess I should have called to wake you" A mysterious voice said as i spun around to see Tk standing there with a smirk on his face
"I got up just fine thank you very much, Tai took forever with breakfast" I sighed
"I figured" Sora said "Boys will be boys"
Everyone laughed at Sora's joke except for Matt. He was just salty because we were laughing his masculinity. After a solid 30 seconds of laughter Izzy ran up to the sidewalk
"Thought you guys weren't coming" Izzy chucked "Any sign of-"
"Where is joe?" I said as I cut Izzy off "Don't tell me he's studying!"
"He said he was coming" Mimi sighs "Maybe medical school is more important then us"
Just then a black SUV pulled up and out came Joe and his brother Jim. He hadn't told us his brother was coming, but Jim was always a nice person to have around so no one was complaining about him coming.
"JOE, JIM!" Mimi cried as she ran in for a Mimi style bear hug.
"Hey mimi" Joe said with a slight blush "Sorry i'm late, and sorry for bring my brother"
"No, don't apologize!" Sora said as she stepped in for a hug "Jim is always welcome"
"Aw thanks guys, you are much more interesting than my paramedic friends" Jim said with a chuckle
"Do we have everyone?"  Tk said
"Looks like it" I said smiling at Tk "Let's go!"
We all walked towards the beach where are the group had set up, there was already towels, a beach umbrella and a picnic sitting there waiting for us. The boys decided to start a game of beach volleyball in the water. they were picking teams but soon realized they had an uneven number.
"Wait so me, Matt and Tai for team one and Tk, joe for the other?" Jim said in a confused manner "Those aren't fair teams!"
"Sora wanna play some volleyball?" Tai said in a cocky tone
"I'm good thanks" Sora said rejecting Tai's offer "Me and Mimi are busy looking at the hot surfers!"
Tai and matt rolled there eyes, Clearly they didn't find it as funny as the rest of us.
"Izzy wanna play volleyball with us?" Tai said
" I know I agreed to come to the beach, but I really got a finish deciphering this code" Izzy said quietly in a hushed voice
"Ugh you guys are no fun" Matt shouted out
"I'll play with you guys!" I said energetically
"Since when do you play volleyball?" Tai said
"Doesn't matter" I said "let's start!"
We made our way into the water. We couldn't go too deep because i'm quite short but we found a good spot.
"i'll serve!" Tai said loudly "Where is the ball?"
"Ugh i forgot it!" Joe said "i'll go grab it!"
Joe when back to our spot where Izzy was sitting and started making small talk, great now we'll never get the ball. Just then a huge wave appeared out of nowhere and it was coming right for us.
"Oh my god" Matt said "Take cover!"
Take cover? We were in the middle of the ocean, where are we supposed to take cover!
"Kari!" Tk shouted as he grabbed my arm pulling me into a hug so we wouldn't get separated from one another.
It all happened so fast, I only got a glimpse of Jim with one arm around Matt's shoulder and the other around Tai's shoulder trying to keep them together. Tai reached out his hand to me and Tk, but we were too far. Then it was black.

Authors note: Hey guys! Again i'm really busy so i decided to spilt this one in half part two coming out hopefully next week! feel free to leave suggestions, and share with friends if you like it. Thanks for all of the support in our small little digimon community 🥰🥰🥰

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