The Fatefull Encounter

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It was fall when I first saw her, she never really was the typical girl always lost in her own world, her own thoughts. Even when she smiled deep inside her dark brown eyes I could see the sadness.  She often tried to cover up her teary eyes, but I always seemed to notice how they slowly welled up and reflected the light. I want to know her, talk to her, but i just can't.  I know you'll just say it's not that hard, just talk to her, but it's not so simple no matter how hard I try to bring myself to talk to her when it comes down to it i can't.  I've been watching her for 3 years now, i have yet to actually go talk to her but i don't really know why.  I can talk to others so easily, but why not her?
Well I suppose you think i'm a weird creep, obsessed with some girl so let me tell you about the backstory.  My names Takahi Mai im 21 when i was 8 i first saw my mom get beat by my father they always seemed so happy- so in love. Of Course they fought every family and couple does but I suppose as I got older it only got worse. At first it was just yelling and throwing stuff around but then it escalated to pushing and uncomfortable grabbing.  But of course i was a kid so i didn't say anything, i didn't really know if it were wrong either I was only 5 or 6 around that time so you can't really blame me. When I turned 8 around the beginning of April my mom and dad had a more aggressive fight then normal. I was still quite young then but even then I knew it was bad; really bad. My dad wanted to move to new york since he got this job at this huge firm, but my mom didn't agree. She said it was too far from our family and it was in the middle of the school year, she had just simply asked him to reconsider, I saw the fright in her eyes while she said that i'll never forget that look in her eye. As he plunged forward I heard the clack from his Florsheim Castellano's hitting the oak wooden floors.  She fell back her eyes wide open in shock, she fell so slow yet so fast. I hadn't even wrapped my head around what had just happened.  My father had pushed my mother into the glass table. I remember the sound of her scream, the glass plunging into her arm, the tears streaming down her face.  I felt so worthless. I rushed to her, balling my eyes out. All she could say to me was "hey Takahi why are you crying, im fine" trying to smile but i saw right through it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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