meeting the master

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Sapnap researched on where he could meet the koolaid man. He was given coordinates, and instructions to drink five gallons of koolaid while entrapped in the small brick building there, then the koolaid man should appear out of thin air.

Dream was over when Sapnap was about to go. "Sapnap, what are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"What is with you and koolaid?"

"It's really good, I just- I have some business to do."

"Wait-" Dream was cut off by Sapnap storming out of the room. He hops in his car, "SAPNAP!" Sapnap steps on the pedal and backs out as fast as he can, putting the coordinates into GPS. He plays music while driving, it takes about an hour to get there. When he gets there he sees the small brick building. He steps on the brakes, stopping his car abruptly.

Sapnap opens his car door and steps out onto the barren desert ground. Kicking the sand as he starts walking to the brick building, bringing his five gallons of koolaid, juggling them in his hands, trying not to drop any. He sits in the middle of the brick building, and starts going at it. He almost throws up on his third, on his fourth he has gotten used to it. He drinks his last gallon, the fifth, and hears rumbling. He puts his hands over his head as dust particles were flying everywhere, bricks were moving, as somebody just ran into the wall.

"OH YEAHH!!!!!" 

Sapnap looks to his right, the one and the only koolaid man is there, standing, before him. "SAPNAP!" He hears, him and the koolaid man look back to where he parked. Dream has followed him in his car. Sapnap's eyes widen, "Dream, leave." Dream starts stepping up to them, "This is when you need to explain what's going on, Sapnap."

Sapnap x Koolaid manWhere stories live. Discover now