Chapter 2

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~Azraels Pov~

I watched as the black guy started to turn into shades of blue, purple, and pink. Sitting on a cloud with my wings supporting me. I was up all night doing angel duties. Healing is what my 'angel duties' were. I had to do them everynight, everyday. Luckily, Angels needed barley to any sleep.

I flew down back to the headquarters. Which was like heaven but, on earth. It was much like a 'pack house' but for angels. I walked inside going up to my room. I lived in the headquarters for many reasons, but one was because I was there half of the time anyways.

I walked into my room and looked at the time. I had around an hour before I had to go to the new human school. I wouldn't lie when I said I was a little nervous. But not because I was going to a new school. It was because I had a chance of finding my soulmate in that school.

I turned 18 last month. I had been waiting for this moment my whole life. Ever since I turned 6 and was allowed to know what soulmates are I was more then excited. I knew she would be more then perfect.

I hoped more then anything she was on the 'good side.' Although I didn't mind if I ended up with a male soulmate either. As long as they were on the good side. I had done no bad my whole life.

"You my son, As a pure as can be. You're soulmate will be someone with a strong heart. But remember to keep your options open." I remember my caregiver telling me that long ago when I first learned about soulmates.

I had so many questions then. And I still do. But those will all be answered once I see them.

I looked in the mirror, smiling happily at myself. I was half naked with a towel around my waist, barley dry. My hair was still soaking wet, drips of water falling off my hair and down my face, onto my chest. I was pretty muscular if you asked me.

Beginning to dry off I look at what I set out for myself the night before. A white long sleeve collared shirt, that sat tucked in my smart black jeans. The shirt was opened at the top by only a little, not enough to show my whole chest. I fixed the collar and started fixing my dark brown hair. My tan skin glowing a little from my excitement. I took a deep breath and smiled.

"Today will be a good day." I said to myself. If only I knew what the day held for me.

I put my rings on that wrapped perfectly around my fingers for each one. I then put my mother's amulet on that she left for me when I was born. Angels were never left with their parents when they were born. They were raised and taken care of by the caregivers.

I put black converse on. I know, Converse? Really? Yes. I don't care about what shoes I wear really. They're just shoes. Grabbing the rest of my stuff I made sure my wings were fully tucked in so no humans would suspect anything. I there my backpack over my shoulder, grabbing the keys to my car and heading out.

I waved goodbye to people who waved to my first. Getting in my car I started it and went to school. The school wasn't that far, luckily, or else I would be late. There was many kids outside the school still and the parking lot was only half full. I parked in an empty spot, getting out and heading inside, only stopping when someone yelled. I looked over at a boy with shaggy blonde hair and green eyes.

The fea.

One of the worst kind out there. But not because they were powerful. They were just annoying. He seemed to be trying to catch up with a kid with black hair and olive skin. And that's when it hit me. The boy with black hair brushed past me and I got his scent. The sweet fragrance of a spicy yet fresh scent of cinnamon and jasmine invaded my nose. I watched the boy carefully as he went to his locker.

I looked away for a second and he was pushed against a locker by a werewolf. Something snapped in me, I grabbed the werewolf's arm, pulling him away. The boy fell to the ground and I glared at the werewolf.

"Touch him again and I promise on the gods. I will take your mate away in a second." I whispered in the werewolves ear without thinking. Letting go of his arm and walking away, to my first period.

I got my schedule earlier this week and memorized all the classes pretty fast. I walked to my first period earlier then expected and the teacher pulled my aside, letting the class fill up before telling me to introduce myself and sit in my assigned seat.

That's how all my classes were, up until the last class. I walked in and only a few seconds later I felt eyes on me. I shrugged it off until a minute later when the eyes didn't leave me. Finally, taking a deep breath I glanced his eyes. My eyes widened a little seeing him.

A vampire?! Why would I get a vampire as a soulmate?! This can't be happening.
I didn't even care if he was male.

He was a vampire. A true horrid monster. This must be some kind of mistake.

This isn't right. I refuse to have him as a soulmate.

No matter what it takes.
I'll get rid of him.

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