Chapter 4

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~Elijahs Pov~

My eyes lingered on the dark haired male. I couldn't be more then excited that I had finally found my soulmate. And on the first day too!

But all my excitement died down fast when he gave me that look. The look of pure hatred and disgust. He didn't want me.

My heart ached in my chest, my whole body filling up with pain. I had to keep tears for welling up in my eyes. So what. He hated me, that's fine I didn't see it working anyways. But, maybe...

I quickly grabbed a piece of paper that had most of my notes on it and began writing. I glanced over at the once empty seat that was now filled by the angel. I took a deep breath and kept writing, feeling the tears start to overpower and swell up in my eyes. I refused to let any fall. I couldn't show how weak I was. But it was hard when I could fell how much he hated me already. I could fell how much he didn't want me.

I shook my head and wiped the tears that feel, trying to stop my leg from bouncing out and down I read over what I wrote. Fixing errors in my neat handwriting. Despite my shaky hands my handwriting remained the same. Besides the fact that some was messed up it still looked as neat as before.

'He wouldn't know the difference anyways.'
As soon as that thought came I shook it out of my head, only for it to come back. I crumpled the paper up in my hands, still trying to calm down. However i failed when a quiet cry slipped through my lips.

That's when I knew I needed to leave. The heartache was to much. It was getting harder to focus. I grabbed my stuff and left after using the 'i'm going to the bathroom excuse.' Oh course, however, the teacher bought it and let me free. I quickly went outside the school. I couldn't calm down when I knew he was inside.

Throwing my stuff on the ground I desperately search through my backpack for my phone. Only to realize the paper I had was now gone. I ran my hand through my hair and stressed a sigh.

Today was going just great.

I finally found the piece of junk known as my phone, texting Claude quickly to get out to the back of the school where I sat. My knees pulled against my chest with my back to the uncomfortable brick on the school. This isn't what I intended for the first day of school.

Although school was always bad, especially the first day. I didn't expect it to be this bad.

But, who could I blame but myself.

I know it wasn't my fault for being a vampire. I didn't get to choose my soulmate either. But I couldn't help but put the blame out on myself. If I had been on the 'good side' then he would've loved me. If I were to been a girl. He would've loved me.

If only I had just been better.

I snapped out of my thoughts when a pale hand waved in front of my face. I looked up to my eyes being met with those piercings green eyes.

"Geez Eli, what happened that you? You were so spaced out your pupils were like, this big." He made finger jesters while he talked. I shook my head and leaned my head back against the wall.

"Eli..don't make me go into your tiny brain." Claude said, which caused a small chuckle to slip past my lips.

"Claude, You're a fea, not a which or a warlock. You can't do that." I explained and he rolled his eyes, sitting next to me.

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