nombre dix

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"stormybabyyyyy" you hear.

"BRANDON!!" you run past your dad who had brought your brother and his friend home from the airport and jump straight into brandon's arms.

"i've missed you girl" he laughs. "but obviously not as much as you've missed me" you look up and see lonzo smiling.

"yo what's up zo, go inside, your families in there" you say dapping him up.

"what?! dip, g huncho, dad?!" lonzo goes inside and greets his family and yours and starts a conversation with his brothers while you parents and lavar are talking.

brandon walks inside still carrying you with one arm and pulling his bag in his other. you give him a kiss on the cheek and hop down. he hugs his mom while you hug your dad and he greets the ball family before sitting down next to melo so you sit on his other side.

"how's school" he asks.

"well you are looking at spire institutes captain of the female basketball team"

"no way! proud of you stormy" he hugs you.

"not much else has happened it's only the second day back but JJ put me in charge of the boys team so i have to make sure they're at practises, they're eating right and all that jazz"

"how you gon' do that"

"well for starters my dorm room is across the hall from rockets and next door to his" you point at melo.

"girls have to go watch boys practise and vice versa. so after practise i go with the boys to eat so i don't have to walk back to my room alone"

"why is melo here?" he whispers so only you hear.

"JJ was supposed to take him for dinner with his family but something happened so he asked if i could take him and ma said to invite lavar and gelo"

"so you two close?"

"b, i met him yesterday slow down" you smack him gently.

"i'm just saying, he probably one of the only boys i'd ever let you date"

"really?! i thought you wouldn't?"

"nah melo's grown up honestly, i think you two are a good match" you just smile and think about what your usually overprotective brother has just said.

"but if he breaks your heart, i'm breaking his neck" you laugh and move closer to him and lay your head on his shoulder.

"storm, b come set the table please" ma says.

"come on big bro" you pull brandon off the couch and do as you were told. one the table is set you call the ball family in for dinner. ma had spent most of the day cooking meaning we knew we were in for a feast.

table arrangement

donald    | |     joann

lavar        | |     lamelo

storm      | |     liangelo

brandon | |     lonzo

"melo, can you pass the potatoes please" you ask.

"the what?" 

"potatoes. you have big ears for a reason, use them" lonzo states making you, liangelo and brandon laugh. 

"thank you" he hands them to you while staring zo down.

"shouldn't you be with your baby and baby carrier"

"melo, that's enough" lavar speaks up.

"but he's right lonzo. you need to spend more time with them, that little girl is going to grow up faster than you think"

"trust me they all do" your dad smiles at you.

"i was with them two days ago and i'll be back with them in two days"

"i'm just saying spend as much time with zoey as you can. storm girl tell me more about you when did you start playing ball?" lavar asks.

"only late junior year actually"

"what! you a natural born talent!" you laugh.

"something like that i guess"

"what made you decide to play?"

"dad, stop harassing her" melo says as he knows the answer to that question.

"i'm not harassing her i'm asking a simple question"

"that she doesn't need to answer stop" melo almost yells.

"wow melo dip's out here getting defensive" zo laughs to gelo. everyone continues eating without another word. you look at lamelo with thanking eyes letting him know you're okay 

"i saw that" zo states.

"what'd you see old blind bat" gelo laughs.

"them two" he points his knife at melo and his fork at you.


"the look they gave each other"

"are we not allowed to look at each other" melo says sarcastically.

"you didn't just look at each other, i can spot a look like that anywhere"

"stop stirring the pot zo, let them be" brandon laughs.

"melo just don't be like me, use protection" he smirks. you spit the water out of your mouth as you didn't expect zo to say that and look at him shocked.

"what" he laughs and shrugs. "i'm just saying"

"maybe you should just not open your big ass mouth"

"language storm" you mumble a sorry to your dad and finish your plate and carry it to the kitchen. you hear someone come in as you put your cutlery in the dishwasher. 

"hey, i'm sorry bout zo. he's extra for nothing" gelo says.

"nah it's fine i guess" you grab his plate and rinse it for him.

"but like just between you and me,  what are you and melo up to?" you laugh.

"look i literally met the dude a couple days ago, but saying that i do like being around him"

"y'all fuck?"


"what" he laughs.

"i'm just wondering"

"no, we did not"

"you cuddled tho didn't you"

"well.. yeah"

"i knew it! you two will be together by the end of the season i bet" he smiles.

"shut up" you laugh back.

a/n: y'all think melo x storm is gonna happen?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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spire institutes newest student - lamelo ballWhere stories live. Discover now