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Generation: modern 👍 (yes there's phones and gadgets and shit)

dream, a Prince of a kingdom/City called MineCity, it was called that because underneath the city there is a gigantic underground mine.

The city is the most richest and wealthy city out of the world of minecraft.

The king and queen there has had three children, one female and two male, dreams older brother Nathan was supposed to be the new king of the Kingdom, but he has broken an rule of the Kingdom that must not be broken.

He has Read the book of dark spells that was sacred and is not allowed to be read or used.

The book contained many dark and powerful spells and dreams brother was taken over by the darkness.

His brother Nathan managed to escape the guards and run away from the kingdom into the woods.

The other kingdoms heard of the news and kept their guards up in case of an attack from the MineCity's Prince.

So, dream was now going to be the king of the kingdom.

His parents begged him to get a maiden, because if not he won't have children to pass on the crown.

Dream replied with a:

"why can't I just adopt a baby!?"

His parents weren't happy.

They had locked him inside his room for a month because of that, of course they still fed him throughout those days but they would sometimes let in beautiful ladies to try make them fall for eachother.

And dream didn't like that, dream kept asking himself why can't he love women or any kinds of female?

He kept debating himself that he's gay, and if his parents knew about that they'd lock him in there forever.

Dream kept that thought a secret.


When he was talking to himself his sister was listening from the other side of the door.

He over heard him saying that maybe he's gay, so she told his and her parents..

They weren't pleased about that...

They argued with dream and looked him in there until he turns straight or falls in love with a lady.

Dream would always write the things he's been through on a journal he has hidden underneath his bed.

He'd always cry himself to sleep, he felt hopeless.

He wanted a Prince to come save him from this tower he was currently locked in..

But he waited for so long! But nobody came..

He wrote on his journal planning to make a escape as he got himself ready for the perfect time..

End of prologue..

I hope you like where this things going! And have a nice day/night!

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