[❤️]Chapter 4: Part 1

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Qin: Omfg I'm as late as usual for the updates but who cares? Here's an update! (Fuck you f2f I take back every good thing I said about you)

(Btw I tweaked with what nightmare said on chapter one saying that "valentine's day is next week" )

▪Narrator POV.

As the sun began to rise in-between the large mountains that were covered with clear white snow on top.

the sounds of armour clashing against each other and horse hooves stomping on the ground echoes through the area and coming to a halt when the group of armoured men reached the MineCity Castle.

The Chief gets off of his horse with a straight posture and serious expression although his heart was thumping fast through his armour.

He enters the castle only to meet the royal family sitting on their thrones, the Queen had a nervous look plastered on her face, the Princess looked unbothered by the situation while the king was in shambles.

The Chief knight of the kingdom gulps and takes off his helmet Infront of the family before kneeling down before them.

"Your Majesties, we have quick to inform you that we have still not retrieved the Prince from his sudden escape--" The knight spoke but was then cut off by the king.

"Yes I can tell you haven't still because I don't see him anywhere in this very room!!" Yelled the king with an annoyed and dissatisfied look on his face while the Queen looks away with a shameful look.

"Y-Y-Yes, Sire..! But we have gathered news from a report that his royal highness' personal guard has gone missing from his post up until last night!" Stuttered the Chief in fear of the higher authority of the king as he keeps his head down.

"You mean, Sir. Punz!? There is absolutely no possibility of him helping the Prince with his escape! He has vowed his loyalty to this kingdom!" Said the king in a louder tone as his voice echoes through the halls.

"Hm..~? Are you su~re of that father? I mean, one time I've heard Sir. Punz vowing his loyalty to the Prince stating he'd sacrifice his life for him..~" the princess purrs with a sly smirk, her eyes not leaving her phone as she didn't have any care about the current situation.

The king grumbles in annoyance and rage, "The moment you find the prince make sure to bring the little bastard traitor! Alive." Said the king with a tone that was coated with malicious intent while the princess giggles from behind her phone.

The queen looks at the king with a nervous expression before looking away feeling ashamed and like she was the true bastard traitor after helping the knight and his son leave.

Netherial Kingdom..

Punz and dream walked among the crowd as they still weren't found out yet, the cars that went by also helped dividing some guards from their side of the sidewalk though.

Both Dream and Punz held each other's hands just Incase either one of them were to get lost in the crowded kingdom.

"So our main priority for now is find an Inn to temporarily stay in?" Punz spoke to dream with a short glance, Dream nods before turning his head to look around.

"Yeah, our priority for now is lay low, find an Inn and rest here for a few days after the whole thing outside this kingdom dies down."

Said Dream, the both of them kept walking through the crowd and realized that most of the people walking around were in pairs.

°Run Away Prince° || MCYT x dream Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz