Chapter 7

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I waited at the coffee shop for Alison to show up. The clock kept ticking slowly. My coffee turned to a lukewarm mess of creamer clumping on the surface of the drink.

Just as I was about to get up and leave she walked into the cafe.

"Hey," she smiled, "Sorry I'm running late. There was an accident and traffic..."

I half-heartedly smiled back, not really believing her story about traffic, "No worries."

"I'm going to order something. Do you want anything?" I shook my head no and she was gone.

I sat back in my chair and waited for Alison to return. No more than 5 minutes later she returned with a large, ceramic blue mug. The steam from it seemed to cling to the surface like fog in a zombie movie clung to the ground.

She sat in the chair across from me, blowing on the steaming drink. "How are you?" She asked, trying to make small talk.

I thought for a moment, how was I? I really didn't know how I was. "I'm doing pretty good. How are you?"

"Busy, trying to get into the swing of things with grading and creating homework and things like that."

"Yeah, it must be hard being the new teacher."

Alison nodded, "Yeah. It is hard."

We sat and talked for a little bit longer before I had to go.


The weekend dragged on with questions from Dani about how the date went. I kept telling her the same thing over and over again, I didn't want to talk about it. Every time I would say that she would assume stuff.

"You guys kissed, didn't you?" She would ask.

"No, we didn't." I would respond, slightly annoyed with every passing moment.

"Did you go back to her house?"

"I said I don't want to talk about it."

"You did go back to her house! What did you guys do? Did you watch a movie? Did you make it past second base?"

Finally, I lost it. 

"Dani, for the hundredth time, we didn't do anything. We went to the coffee shop down the street from the school and we had coffee and talked. That's it. End of the fucking story." I didn't mean to get mad at her. It was just all the questions were very annoying and they were getting to me.

After I snapped at her I hung up without saying anything else. I had to, I was afraid I would get even more pissed at her.


On Monday, I apologized to Dani for snapping at her. After that we didn't talk much throughout the day. Scott was out sick, so our lunch table was quiet that day.

As the day dragged on I kept wanting to go home even more, which wasn't unusual, but the feeling seemed to persist on through the whole day.

I was very tempted to skip Miss Walters class that day. And I did.

I snuck out the locker room door, after grabbing my skateboard from my main locker, and out to the parking lot. I climbed into my car, tossing all my belongings into the backseat, and drove. I just kept driving, not wanting to stop.

Eventually, I did stop. I pulled into a Target parking lot. I didn't really know why I had picked here to go to, but I did.

I went into the store and wandered around for a bit. Then, I made it to the video section and skimmed through them until I found Perks of Being a Wallflower for $5 and Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone for $10.

I grabbed both of those, along with some microwaveable popcorn. My night was sure to be a fun filled night of movies and popcorn.

I payed for those things then made my way down the street to an FYE to see if I could find more movies, or any good music.

I searched the movies and was slightly disturbed when I found that they had an adult movie section. I walked away quickly, trying to erase that from my head. I found a few more movies I liked including Silver Linings Playbook, Edward Scissorhands, The Corpse Bride, and Dead Poets Society. I found a few CDs I had been looking for too. MS MR's Secondhand Rapture, the Fireworks' Gospel, and New Years Day's Victim to Villain.

I payed for all those things too. I didn't know what made me want to get all these movies and CDs, but something was making me gravitate towards it all.

I returned back to school half hour after it ended. I found Dani when I was going to my locker to grab some books.

"Why weren't you in last period?" She sounded concerned, but I don't know if she really was.

I shrugged, "I don't know. I just had to leave."

"You might want to go talk to Miss Walters about what you missed, we have a project due next week."

"Thanks," a slight smile crept onto my lips as I walked to Miss Walters' room.

I fixed my hair as I sauntered down the hall, trying to make it look nice. I was about to walk into her room when I noticed a girl with loosely curled dirty blonde hair, younger than Miss Walters but older than I was, sitting on Miss Walters' desk. They were talking when the girl leaned down, and Miss Walters up, and their lips locked. My stomach tightened. This couldn't be happening. She was supposed to be with me. Not whoever the hell that girl was. I couldn't bare to look at her anymore.

I backed up down the hallway, I could see Miss Walters smiling the same sickly sweet smile she had the other day when she looked up from her phone. I turned around and took off running down the hallway. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, I couldn't stop them from coming. I felt like I was going to be sick.

{thank you guys so much for all the reads and votes. it means a lot to me that so many people are reading, and enjoying my writing. also, all the movies and music mentioned in this chapter are highly recommended to watch and listen to. they are all so awesome and good.}

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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