Chapter 2

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Throughout all of first and second period I couldn't keep myself from slipping back into the thoughts of the weekend before. Had it only been 4 days ago that it happened? Wow, time really does fly.

I had to tell someone about what happened. I had to tell them now. So, I pulled out my phone, glancing up at the teacher occasionally to make sure she wouldn't catch me. I opened my group chat I had with my two best friends, Daniella and Chris. We were that inseparable trio that most schools have, both of them were in my US History class, which we were in now. I texted them:

Me: you're never going to believe what happened

I sent the message and a few seconds later I saw both of them glance down at their phones. Daniella was the first to respond back;

Dani: Obama finally resigned from being president?

I tried to hold back a laugh when I read that.

Chris: dani, I think we would've heard if that happened. just tell us, Kat, don't leave us hanging

I typed up the message quickly.

Me: so, remember this weekend when I told you guys I wanted to go drink and I did?

They both replied with a yeah, so I continued;

Me: well I had too much to drink and I hooked up with someone and that someone just happens to be a teacher. here. she's a teacher here at this school.

I looked up, since I sit in the back of the class I can see their immediate reactions. Chris's jaw drops. Daniella's eyes go wide, trying not to make too much facial expressions that the teacher would get suspicious.

Finally, the bell rang indicating seniors and juniors go to lunch. Chris and Dani left the room before I did. They waited in the hallway for me. As soon as I stepped out of the classroom Chris latched onto my arm, "Tell us all the details."

"So, you know how before school started I wanted to do one last exciting thing?" They both nodded, "Well, that exciting thing was getting into a lesbian bar. Once there I had a few drinks. I didn't think I had that many, but I guess I had more than I thought. Then across the bar I saw the most stunning girl ever, she seemed to be glowing, but now that I think about it the lighting was probably off due to the drinks I had had. Anyways, I went over and talked to her. She asked questions like how old I was and if I was in college or not. I figured I'd never see her again so I said I was 21 in college. One thing led to another and next thing I knew our clothes were strew across the floor of her apartment. I hadn't actually realized what happened, not until the next morning..." My voice trailed off.

By this point we were in the cafeteria, sitting at our usual table. Dani looked at me, "Why didn't you tell us before?" Chris nodded in agreement.

I shrugged. "I guess it was our little secret. When I talked to her today I promised not to tell about what happened since technically I'm still a minor. So you two," I pointed to each of them, "have to keep your mouths shut about this, okay?"

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