The Bug Aftermath

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It had been a long day at school, Player had to go on an emergency break to help Carmen break into Bellum's laboratory in the Himalayas.

How did he get this break you might ask?

Well Zack and Ivy came in dressed as pest control and managed to buy Player a bit of time before his teacher found him in the janitor's closet.

And that was just the first part of the story.

Player kicked open the door, exhausted from the day he had. He had bandages on his fingers from typing so much.

He tossed his backpack on the couch, preparing his story on how to tell his parents about why he was home early.

But of course his mother chose right now as a good time to enter the living room.

"Hey sweetie", she said. "What are you doing home so early?"

Player froze. He didn't have his story ready. He sighed, guess it was time to spill the beans.

He took a deep breath. "Ok mom", he began. "Don't freak out, but there was a termite bee infestation."

His mom raised an eyebrow. "A, termite bee infestation?"

Player gulped, hoping she wouldn't catch his lie. "Yep. Termite bees are a new thing. They're all over the internet."

His mother stared at nothing for a second. Then fear came into her eyes. She started screaming.

"THOMAS", she yelled as Player covered his ears from the high pitched scream she let out. "THEY FOUND US! WE NEED TO RUN!"


Ok now he was confused. What did she mean by "they found us"? Were they part of some secret organization or something? Hopefully this is just a misunderstanding.

But then again, life doesn't give Player a break.

Just then, he saw his stepdad running down the stairs at almost light speed with suitcases with almost all their belongings.

"WHERE ARE THEY?" he asked, trembling in fear.

He looked at Player.

"NATHAN", he yelled. "DID YOU SEE WHERE THEY WENT?" he asked him, gripping his shoulders.

Player looked at him in shock. Why were they acting like this? It was just a small bug infestation.

"W-well, the pest control people came by and got rid of them", he said. "So no need to move away!"

That was when his parents snapped their heads to look him dead in the eye.

"This is no ordinary termite bee Nathan", his mother said. "These are THE termite bees!"

Player watched, slack jawed. They had some stuff to explain. "What do you mean THE termite bees?"

His stepdad sighed. The jig was up, and now he had to explain everything to his son.

"Well champ", he started. "A long time ago before your mom met your biological father, we worked in a government lab to create new species and revive old species."

Player's eyes widened in shock. His parents worked for the government? Wait, THEY KNEW EACH OTHER BEFORE DAD????

"Anyway, one time we were experimenting with making a new species of bug, so we combined termites and bees, you know the only logical pairing huhuhuuhhu, and we made termibees."

Player's eyes widened. So Termite bees did exist. And his parents made them?

That....made way too much sense.

Player raised a hand to his forehead, checking if he just had a fever and this was all just one terrible hallucination, and that there was cake on the counter calling his name.

His dad continued. "The termibees just kept expanding their hive, until they managed to exceed the limit of what we could keep in the lab. They...they-"

"THEY SET THE WHOLE LAB ON FIRE!" his mother finally screamed.

Player was too close to snapping. "Mother, Father I-"


There was a loud banging on the door.

Someone was here.

His stepfather leaped into his mother's arms, screaming like a baby. He had never looked so scared in his entire life.

Groaning, Player trudged over to the door. He opened it to find nothing but the cool breeze.

"See!" Player shouted at his parents. "There's nothing there! No need to pack up the house and go!"

His stepfather still looked terrified. He shakily raised his finger, pointing towards the door, where a swarm of termibees stood.

Player stood there, slack jawed. How in the world did the termibees actually exist? Maybe his parents WEREN'T kidding when they said they existed.

"D-Dad", he said, his eyes widening with fear. "I-I'll be right back." he said as he zipped up his stairs and plopped onto his computer.

He started scrambling to call Carmen. To tell her to get over here in less than 3 seconds and help him. After multiple attempts to call her, she finally answered.

"PLAYER!" she said, in an overly excited way. "How're ya doin" she sounded drunk. Oh no, she was drunk.

"U-Uh Carmen?" he asked, cautiously. Didn't wanna trigger any drunken mood swings. Not while he and his family were in danger. "Are you ok?"

He could hear Zack chanting what he thought was "Chug! Chug! Chug!" while he was on the phone.

"What do you meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean Player?" she said. The alcohol had clearly messed with her brain. "I've NEVER been better!"

Ok she was gonna be absolutely no help.

He just hung up on her. Holding his head in his hands, he mentally panicked on what he was gonna do. It's not everyday a swarm of apparently-not-made-up termibees stormed your house.

So he decide to do the next best thing.


He quickly ran down to the kitchen, grabbing as much as he could from the pantry and fridge, before running back upstairs to his room, locking the door.

He shoved the food in his mini fridge, and grabbed a bunch of blankets to protect himself with.

He had his food, shelter, and wifi.

What else could he need?

He proceeded to stay in his room until the end of time. Occasionally going out to grab a few bags of chips. There was one thing he knew.

He didn't need to share the wifi anymore.


Alrighty, the next chapter has now been published. I'm sorry for the update being late, me and Bree15__ are currently working on a 2 part chapter thing. Also if you didn't read the description you will not know that I did in fact say slow updates sooooooooooooo...

Anyway the next chapter will definitely be the 2 parter me and Bree are working on, so stay tuned for that.

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