Head Mistress Talia

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*picture of head mistress Talia above*

I woke up in a magnificent place surrounded with beautiful blue exterior with small embroidery of waves almost everywhere. When I tried to get up it felt like I was run over by a bus to how my body ached everywhere especially my hands but I tried and tried until a was successful.

*meow* *meow* *puuuurrrr*

I saw a beautiful white cat just a inch away from the bed edge. She.....uh it looked so peaceful and happy. When I tried to pet it ,its eyes flew open and sprung wings with a nasty stare....what the heck?

"Calm down Missy. She does no harm " a older woman said with a bright smile. She it is then.

"Hi. Thank you" I said immediately remembering all that happened recently or so I thought.

"How did you sleep dear?" She said

"Like a baby although I feel like a woman who has to get up to go to work to a job she hates then got hit by a bus....rolled multiple times and it repeated over and over again" I said dramatically

"Ha.... well i didn't realize i would get such a respond since you have been sleeping a full two days" she replied

"WHAT" I yelled

*groowwwl* I grabbed my stomach and with a smile I looked up.

"Wouldn't have anything to eat now would you" I said with a bright smile and puppy eyes.

"Indeed.....come with me" she said as she walked out the door

I was met by am old hall and by the looks its obvious its traditional because nothing was old about this place. I could feel it in my gut...Haha. When we reached the dining room and burst through the door there were hundreds of eyes on me. How many people are here? Scap that....what is here?? I hurriedly followed the lady and sat where she instructed. Then I was served breakfast.

"What your name" I said

"Am your head mistress" she said with a serious face

"Firstly no one is named *head mistress*. Secondly you can't be my head mistress cause I dont attend here....wherever we are" I replied

"My name is Talia. I did some digging and found that you posses the fire element within you. I took matters up and you will attend school here at Belgrove Element Academy and I will be your guardian" she said so fast that I could hardly catch up

"Uh....wait.....what.....fire element? Guardian?" I said

"Yes and in the mean time just eat your breakfast and we will discuss matters later " she said as she dug into her food

"But....I have a family. I have to go back" I said concerned for all the children back in the home

"I am very thorough with my research. You have no family. You were abandoned when you were three. You have been the mother of the home all you life and you were gonna leave exactly on your 18th birthday" she said with a straight face.

My face got so angry and full of rage. "YOU TOOK MY DECISION. I WANTED TO DECIDE IF I LEFT. I WANTED TO DECIDE WHERE I WANNA STAY. I WANTED TO DECIDE MY FUTURE AND YOU TOOK THAT AWAY FROM ME" I shouted and all eyes turned on me in shock.


"NO!" I said angrily
She slapped me across my face and my eyes widened in shock then it faded and my hands started to burn red and my eyes never left her face not once.

"EVERYONE EXIT THE BUILDING. NOOOWWWW" she shouted as she glared at me with her eyes lit up bright red like a mirror reflection of mine.

"Malia....look at me. Calm down. Close your eyes and thing about things that make you happy. Happy conversation. Think about something you love " jason calmly said in my ear as he held me tightly.

I dropped to the floor and closed my eyes trying to think of what he told me. I thought of Jennifer. How we always had those grown up conversations and how she always made me laugh. I thought of the kids. How when I make then breakfast they say thank you and how they rushed to my side if they thought something was wrong. I thought of jason. Wait what ....is that right?? Ah yes the most beautiful man I have every seen. I thought about how he is holding me so close to him right now and how amazing he smelled......is that lilies?? I opened my eyes and looked him in the face and started crying.

"Thank....*voice breaks* you" I said in awe

"Jason get her to her room and lock the door. Stay with her there until I return" Talia said as she marched out to handle everything

Jason took me to my room and sat my down on the bed (Sooo comfortable)and he sat on the 360 degrees chair at the farther end of the room and started spinning.

"Quite a show you pulled back there....ha" he said

"I wasn't..... I never wanted to hurt anyone. I just dont understand why this is happening and I cant control it" I said so embarrassed

"You are special just remember that. Only two person have your type of ability and trust me you are at the top of the rank" he replied

"The other person is Talia isnt it?" I said with a knowing look. He gave a stiff nod.

"What rank?" I said curious

"Oh....there is the fire element at top, then the water element, then the earth element and then the air element. Then there are the clan fighters from different realms." He said

"Am sorry..... there was a war about 18 years about and the fire element were sent into battle because they are the strongest and they got the job done but too much were infected so eventually they started dying out" he continued

"Oh" I replied with a rush of loneliness

"But you got me right" he said

"Yea.... damn right" I said laughing

"I'll be right back ok....I have a surprise for you.just gonna get it k" he said

"Sure .....um Jason why do you smell of lilies?" I said with a smile

"Maybe to impress you" he said with a wink.

Not long after I drifted to sleep.

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