First Day of Magic School.

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The next morning I woke up and was blind to the whole world but then my memories came crashing back to me. Oh yeah....we fell asleep. I looked across from me and I saw Jason fast asleep beside me. He was so beautiful and he looked at peace. I stared at him for what felt like hours although in my defence I felt lazy to get up anyways. After about another two minutes of staring he shift and wiggled trying to get more comfortable and that's when our eyes met.

"Good morning stalker" he said with the brightest smile

"Me?? Stalker?? Nah....your face just got in the way of where I was looking" I said sarcastically

"Ha is that so" he said as he came closer

" be honest I didn't even see you until you spoke" i replied trying not to burst out in laughter.

He flied up out the bed and next thing I know he was on top of me and his lips were just inches away from my lips.

"Do you see me now gorgeous?" He said with a mischievous glare.

"I see part of you handsome " as I leaned even closer glaring at his lips.

He attempted to kiss me but I swerved and he leaned back looking confused.

"You like teasing dont ya" he said smiling

"Maybe I was just tryna get away from that horrible morning breath you have there" I said laughing although I knew he smelled amazing.

"Oh wow Smith.....that was my heart" he said sarcastically holding his chest as if to be hurt.

"Sorry hun....maybe I'll try to miss next time" I said as I rolled out of bed and headed to the shower.

"Malia amma get going....gonna shower and head to work" he said as if I cared. Well of course I do. Nobody sleeps over and then just leaves. Right?

"Ok handsome....see ya later" I said as I stepped in the iced cold shower....huh I dont feel cold at all....oh well.

After about an hour of getting ready i rushed down the halls in opposed to my dorm room with a clanking sound of my sneakers attempting to grab the slippery ground. I ran and ran because I noticed I was about 30 minutes late.....ok amma admit. I may have spent that whole hour in the shower only...oops. I finally arrived at the building I was supposed to do my training and burst through the door.

"SORRRY AM LATE....SOOO SORRY AM LATE.i know its the first day and all but I really needed that shower plus I couldn't find what to wear....I mean this is magic school can you blame me? Then I picked out the horrible looking one has a sense of style no more....again I am re-" I said in a long breath as I was cut off a by a shout.

"THAT'S ENOUGH.... your late.....I got the point. Now please take a seat Malia" she said with a deep sigh.

Wow she's chill. If it was normal school I would get a detention for sure. Is it weird to say I love her. Hahah probably.

"Today I will be teaching you control" she said with a gleam in her eyes.

"Um.....ok what should I do" I said

"I am sure you know that your fire within can be very dangerous and manipulative. If your not in control it can overpower you which should be obvious when you get angry or even scared" she continued

"So it can kill basically" I said stupidly....of course it can

She gave me a 'really' look as she realized what I ask was quite obvious.

"Uh... dont answer that" I said

"Wasn't going to" she clapped back

She told me to sit in the corner with small candles and told me to light them. I focused  and burst fire from my hands and lit them all causing a little damage too.

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