Chapter sixteen

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A/n: I figured that this book is actually very scattered 🤣🤣🤣 just like the thoughts in my head 🤔 one chapter is one person's POV then the next is another person's in a whole new situation 😂 sha manage it like that 😉.
Jayden's POV:
I sat up from the bed and walked to the shower to freshen up before I'll head out for my mission.

"So how did your day go yesterday" Margaret said as she sat up from the bed.

"Same as always....I killed someone and cane back home nothing spectacular happened really"I wore some jeans a shirt and my leather coat in all black.

"Good, good so I was wondering if I could go me-"

"Briiiiiiiiiiiing Briiiiiiiiiiiinnnng" she was interrupted by the phone ringing.

"Hello Jayden speaking"

"Lucas has sent another hitman his name is Anthony and he's heading for diamond mountain cause that's where Blake is gonna be" Mabel said through the phone.

"Ok I'll be on my way right away"

"Do you need me to do anything for you"

"Nah you've done enough thanks Mabel" I ended the call.

"I'm so sorry Margaret something urgent just came up...we'll talk later okay?" i walked out of the bedroom door and closed it.

"Umm ok" I could hear her say through the door and I speed walked down the stairs and headed to my car.

I started the car and set the location to diamond mountain on the GPS.

As I drove into the snowy road I thought back to how I joined the hitman organisation in the first place.

I had a bad record so I couldn't have a decent job killing people for a living was the next best option actually, Mabel introduced me to her cousin and I've been working under him since then.

Mabel and I have been highschool sweat hearts, she's always been by my side through thick and thin, she stuck by me when my family abandoned me they said I was a disgrace to the family and they kicked me out of the house.

Mabel and I hustled a bit and bought this house we're currently living in. I thank God everyday that she stuck by me all this time and I still am grateful for her being by my side.

That's why I'm doing everything in my power to protect her and you won't stop till the end.

After a long drive I pulled over to a restaurant to see a guy watching Blake and that girl through the glass window. I climbed a tree and watched him carefully as I brought out my gun.

He stayed there for a long while and after a while I saw the girl leave Blake alone all by himself, he fired the first shot and hit the waitress.

To be honest I really feel bad for all the waitress les that've died in the hands of we hitmen.

I quickly shot at his head and that's when I saw Blake and the girl leave the restaurant.

As she drive off he saw me and he just stared at me as she drove the car.

I got down from the tree and called the cleaners to take care of this guys body.

I got down from the tree and headed home in my car "I've gotta stay with Margaret just in case the boss should try any funny business" I thought to myself as you drove back home.
A/n: I am tired actually 😓 but I feel like I should make Mabel an important person in this 🤔 i don't know 🤷🏽‍♀️ I'll see what I can do 😇.
Word count: 606

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