Just another boring night

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Sluggishly walking up to your bedroom your mind begins to wander. Was Tsukishima genuinely worried about you or was he just being a morally good person? All you can do is hope it's the first option.

Once you reach your bedroom you change out of your basic school uniform into a comfortable pair of grey sweatpants and a baggy band tee. Though you had eaten some snacks at Tsukishimas place you were still hungry so went downstairs into the kitchen and just made some toast. It was enough to satisfy your current hunger. After finishing you went back upstairs.

'I wonder where everyone else is', you thought to yourself, usually your mum, dad and brother would come out and pester you not knowing where you'd been. Dad probably had a long day at work and wanted peace so made everyone go to bed, you chuckled, seems like him.

While you laid in bed and listened to your favourite playlist quietly you found yourself thinking about him, Tsukishima would not leave your mind.
"God! Almost as annoying as he is in person!" you mutter to yourself, not frustrated with Tsukishima but the repeating thoughts of him. Attempting to rid your mind of the tall blonde boy you turned your music off and tried to get some sleep, laying there for what seemed like forever. In the end you dozed off after an hour of nothingness.

{Author Note}
Apologies that this one is even shorter than the first two! Eventually i'll brainstorm and have much longer chapters but I just wanted to get this one out:)

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