Chapter 3 Suspended

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     The principal and two deans walked into the room. “You do realize that what you did can result in jail time. Assault is a very serious charge. You are lucky that Josh’s dad doesn’t want to press charges.” The principal stated. Everyone started talking at once. “No, be quiet.” He waited for a moment and everyone went quiet. “Now, Mell you were there first.” Why did you hurt him?” One of the deans asked. “I didn’t. I...I went to a club after soccer practice. Josh was there we got into an argument over something that had happened a few weekends ago. He pushed me but I don’t blame him, I was wrong. Then when they walked in and I was on the ground they started beating him up. I was pulling on the guys trying to get them to stop.” I stopped for a moment. “The teacher, uh… Mr. Hall was there I was behind them all trying to get them to stop.” I started, continuing to ramble. One of the deans turned to Mr. Hall who was now in the room. “Is that true?” He asked. “Yes,” he said. “Mell was behind them and I did see him pulling on their arms shirts.” He answered. “Mell, you can go then.” One of the deans spoke, “Just make sure you don’t get in any more trouble.”

    I walked out of the room and into the lobby to see my dad standing and talking to a man. “Mell! What in the world did you get yourself into?” My dad said. “Look dad it was a misunderstanding. I was trying to stop the fight, Mr. Hall got me confused with the other guys on the team. It’s okay, though I’m not in trouble or anything.” Josh walked into the lobby from the bathroom. He had a busted lip and some blood on his face from a superficial cut that he had gotten. He came up and stood next to the man, who I assumed was his dad, that my dad was talking to. They started to walk away before Josh turned back and walked towards me. I turned my face up to look at him. “I wanted to apologize for pushing you earlier. Also thank you for helping me out back there. I didn’t mean to get you in trouble. But I am glad that you tried to stop them, I don’t know what would have happened if you weren’t able to stop them.” Josh said starting to tear up again. I smiled as I said, “Hey, it’s okay I didn’t want you to get hurt.” I waved as he turned back around and walked out of the school.

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