Chapter 11 Out

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    I walked into school. Everything went silent. Whispers around me grew louder until someone shouted out, “Man I thought you were cool and now you are one of them.” People followed suit yelling nasty and horrid things about and towards me. I was desperate for an escape. I made a full run towards Mr. Hall’s classroom. Josh was in the classroom already when I got in the room. He rushed right up and pulled me into a hug, standing on his toes. He made sure to watch for my arm. “I’m so sorry for what happened. I know how it feels.” He said pulling away from the hug. “What happened? Why is everyone concerned for me?” I asked worriedly. “He doesn’t know,” Cade said walking in behind me. “Don’t know what! Please tell me what is going on. Please.” “You might want to sit down,” Josh said grabbing my hand and guiding me to a chair. Cade pulled out his computer. “This is from the Westside High online newspaper.”  The article read, “Star player from the Westside High soccer team, Mell Johnson is gay.” Tears formed in my eyes as I read my name.

    I ran to the bathroom and locked the door not letting anyone in. Josh came knocking at the door trying to get in. I leaned against the wall and slid down it my head in my hands. I cried for around thirty minutes before I could hear the door handle jiggle then open. I saw Josh rush in and fall to the floor at the sight of me crying. “Please, I want to be alone. Please” I cried, “No, look…” Josh paused and sighed. “I haven’t told anyone this,” He rubbed the back of his neck. “In Los Angeles, I was outed. I was already bullied but being outed made it so much worse. That’s why we had to move. That day when Alex found out I was gay, it was a slip-up. I didn’t want anyone to know. I became so stressed from it I broke up with my boyfriend back in LA. It will be hard. I know, but I will be here for you.” I looked up from my hands and jumped into Josh’s arms. I tightly hugged him tears running down both of our faces. “I’m so sorry that happened to you,” I said in between sobs. “I’m sorry too.” He said trying to stay calm.

    We walked out of the bathroom and back towards Mr. Hall’s classroom. Cade stood there biting their nails before running up to hug me. Josh gave Mr. Hall the keys he used to open the door, Everyone in the room was comforting me. It made me feel like I was at home. “No. If that post went up today, then my dad... he is going to figure it out. No. Oh god, he is going to kick me out. He despises gay people.” Tears started to form in my eyes again. “Hey, it’s okay you can tell your dad tonight I will come with you. If he kicks you out then we will pack up your stuff and you can come to stay with us for a while.” Cade said.

School went quickly. A lot of remarks were made by students and staff alike. Alex, Justian, and the soccer team left me alone. I got into my car and Cade followed behind me. I was on the phone with Josh too. “I am like so scared. I don’t want my dad to know but I have to tell him.” I said scared. “I know but it is something that needs to be done. It will make it more dangerous if you don’t tell him. You can come to my house at any time if you need to.” As we drove up to my house. We said goodbye and hung up. As I walked inside my heart was racing. I opened the door and my father was sitting on the couch. “Dad, I have something that I need to tell you,” I said while walking into the living room. “Dad…” I paused, “I’m gay.” The words he said “get out” forced a wash of emotion over me.

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